I have not been able to update in awhile since I have had a computer virus :(
My brother came over to help me fix the problem, man it's such a hassle. I never truly realized how dependent I am on my computer. I use it for everything! Work*School*E-mail*Bloggin*Music* and even for cycling! :)
I wonder what I used to do before the Internet? :)
I am so dependant on whores man!! I didn't realize it until I got married the first time, I was cheating 2 hours into our honeymoon!! God I loveee WHORESSS
See we are all dependant on things we just never realize it till we loose it :)
I am also dependant on cocaine man, after my 8th marriage I started doing the coke and now i can't leave it, coke and sometimes crack too, ohh and meth, and acid too, and marijuana, but thats it ohh yeah and acid too ok thats it ohh wait also extacy, but thats it unless you also include the barbituates....and porn esp. midget porn...mmm midget porn...
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