Thursday, November 16, 2006

It Feels Like...

This morning before my ride I checked the weather... to see if it's cold and just curious what direction the wind is coming from, but that won't change my route ;) On yahoo it says "It feels like" 48 degrees... I really just want to know the real tempature and I guess I don't remember what 48 degrees "feels like" because it was really cold! After awhile of riding though, it all calmed down and didn't seem too bad. Glad that's the coldest that it's suppose to be this week!


Allez said...

Brrr! I have a hard time riding in the cold! You're hard core :-)

IronGambit said...

it's wasn't that bad really once you get going ;)

Anonymous said...

Keep us warm sexy Stephen from the nuts ha ha

Anonymous said...

my nips get too hard when its cold i have to wear nipple warmers..

IronGambit said...

me three!

Chris L said...

How do they know what it "feels like"? Do they have a special censor placed inside the nerves of everyone likely to read it?

IronGambit said...

yeah... it "feels like 48" then you start riding your bike and then it begins to "feel" a lot colder!

Anonymous said...

Don't get sick now, The Nuts worry about you. Be sure to keep warm. You know things freeze to death when they die. You should invent some cool weather supplies for bikers. You are smart and talented enough. Have a good weekend. Sorry for our past bs or to get too nosey!!!