Friday, July 21, 2006

New Patio

Here are a before and after pic of a patio that we just had built, you are missing out Jeef! You could have bbq'ed here!


Anonymous said...

Yo Steve we are doing a couple laps out at the Mission trails this weekend. So why don't you blow that dust off your mountian bike and come and join us?? Saturday morning 8:oo sharp. You know how much you love to mountian bike.

IronGambit said...

A-Ron I need a wheel set! and it's not dust on my bike it's MUD from racing! oh and are spelling Mountain bike wrong on purpose?

Anonymous said...

if u can afford a mercedes you can afford some wheels! muahaha

Anonymous said...

Dude you can get a set of wheels for super cheap and your so damn light it dosn't really matter what teh heel you buy. Just get something for now. And no I didn't do the spelling wrong on purpose I just suck at spelling. Now I have to go into the bathroom and cry - you are such a dick you know how inscure I am about my spelling

IronGambit said...

No Piojo, cause I have a MB means I can't afford a new wheel set!
A-Ron I forgot about your low selfesteem issue... just remember to count to 10 before you lose it!

Anonymous said...

are you a fisher? HAHAHAHAHA!!! WTF did u go and buy a mercedes for anyway, a new wheelset kicks more ass!!!

IronGambit said...

well it was between that and a whole new bike. I am going to get a new wheel set atleast before the 12 hour race ;)

Anonymous said...

12 WHAT???? WHEN??? the one in January???

Anonymous said...

u goin solo? or with james(hehe)? it would almost be cool for you to ride with james then aaron and i can team up and whoop up on u 2 ewoks!! *its been brought*

IronGambit said...

with James, yeah let's do it! ewoks wtf?

Anonymous said...

ohhhh, you know the real reason steve can't get a wheelset is cause his wife will kick his ass......................


IronGambit said...

Jeepefth quit acting like a damn ewok... :)