the wind was pretty steady, i'd say at 15-18 mph. rode a steady pace, not hard, but not easy.
once i got there i ate a muffin, coke and coffee.

i like to suffer on my bike, on long stretches of road, in the great state of texas!

it was a great ride, and hope to do it again..

You always have cool pictures. Who's bike is who's?
i was on my mtb allez... steve is riding the cinelli
Why were you riding a mtb? That cinelli looks awesome! Which one of you wants my SWEET reflectors? :-)
he's riding a mtb because he's training for a 12 hour endurance race. I'll take those reflectors and sell'em on ebay!
hey are you dissing my mtb?
12 hr race? That's bad ass! Sure, you can sell my reflectors. I suppose I should have said piojo is the one with cool pictures!
hahaha iron took the pics actually.. i lost my camera.. WTF i used it once or twice and i cant find the mofo.. did you steal it from me anonymous? you remember the time you were hiding from the maffias and your cockfigter bf? you membberrrr?? that cold dec night! hot chocolate. candle wax. valvoline. you memberrrrr?
I took the pics, but the "idea's" were piojo! Except the zebra one hahah :)
I really like your Ksyrium's IG. I have the Equipes....would love the SLs. I saw a pair at the bike shop last time I was there in black that would match my bike. I almost shit myself!!!
Where is anonymous? They could have joined Allez and I last night for some cock fighting and midget bowling. Things got out of hand, Tony Soprano showed up and insulted Allez and I had to bitch slap his ass. After that the whores came out and wrestled in vaseline. Then some guy that looked like Flava Flav came in with a gun and started shooting up the joint. Allez and I almost didn't escape.
well the maffias wanted to kill my girlfriend cause she is an ex military sniper, and she does a lot of crack and cocaine and makes me F her while she is on cocaine and crack, in her crack and the cocaine you know numbs you. well i have to go now because my 18 kids want pudding pops....
the running piojos!!
and WTF fuckers, no one has said one nice thing about my beautiful mountain bike... bunch of pansy ass roadies... pfff
when I stop rolling, my rims keep spinning!
All this bike talk! I am so outta the loop guys!!! But I like the pics.
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