I have been running recently in these shoes and think that I got a pretty good deal on them. My problem is that I have never really run in anything else "OTHER" than Nike, in fact even my road cycling shoes are Nike! I think that these shoes feel better than my other one's, but that might just be because they are newer... Also I bought the accessories for the Nike+ part, these are the parts that send the info to the iPod while you are running. Anyway I have everything except for the iPod which it will probably be a while until I get it but that's ok, I am wiling to wait!

I also ordered another pair of shoes that I will use for events,races, and probably race simulated runs. So for you runners out there I would like to hear your two cents!
Lance I know that you like to run in Nikes!
If you don't know what these shoes are about click the link
Nike 180's. Then click "New? Take a test run."