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The funny part is that I wanted to talk about the advantages of using Adobe Bridge, and my shot just happened to be a bridge!
One of the greatest benefits of shooting in RAW instead of JPEG and using Adobe Bridge to view and edit all of your photos is the auto white balance.
White Balance seems to be such a HUGE issue when it comes to photography. A lot of times when you see photos that appear to be yellow, it is because that's the actual color of the room, and or the environment around you.
"WE" see it as white since we've become so accustomed to it, so teaching your camera the difference is a huge pain and the white balance can quickly change with just a cloud moving over head.
So I don't really worry about the white balance, which is a HUGE weight off of my shoulders, and I just change it in Adobe Bridge, I would say that the accuracy is 97% correct, in fact - since I've discovered it, I would say that I've only felt like the white balance was only off one time!
As the white balance does not seem to make a large difference at a quick glance, this is definitely the difference from an everyday photo that "anyone" can take , to creating a photo how it should be and showing your true knowledge of your equipment and photography.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
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