I guess I am sad and happy at the same time to hear news like this, the point of this is to find an American to attempt to replace Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France. I am sad because this means that they are not considering good ol' George Hincapie who in my opinion truly deserves the attempt... although after his crash I can see their point ;) I am happy beacuse I am glad that Lance still wants the sport to live on, even though he is not racing it anymore. The sport only becomes popular when you have an American on the podium.
You can check out the whole story here:
i think it is great. let the strongest man win! Down with nepotism!! If he's the strongest, let him prove it!!! Can't be having a stronger rider block the wind for a weaker rider!!!! Being at the front only counts at the end, and then only sometimes!!!!
haha I love your enthusiasm! :)
Are you going to apply?
What about Levi Liphie---have no idea how to speel his last name. Isn't he an American?? I know his name throws you off but I think he may be our best shot - but I wouldn't be betting on him.
GO JAN!!!!!
Floyd Landis!!!!
Geez Steve what is this a once a week blog entry page!!!
too bad jeff posted, piojo had a great comment to make...
ahh, come on ee-flea...
i'll have my gente call your gente and then their gente will have a junta to work all this out, ok?
Piojo wants to know if your secretary is hot Jeff?
hey, don't you know that it's administrative assistant's day today. they changed that horribly derogatory title of secretary to the new p.c. version, administrative assistant... god, git wit the 2000's piojo, hehe.
oh yeah, and yes, since she is imaginary, i'll say she's..... SMOKIN'!!! (said like jim carrey in the mask)
yeah it was sexatary day :)
Im a sexist pig, they are all bitches to me...
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