Monday, June 19, 2006

An Alarming Situation

Pete, a coworker decided that he wanted an mp3 player and asked for me to go with him to BestBuy to help him pick one out. After choosing one we leave BestBuy and the alarm goes off... the guy in the front just waves us through so we proceed through the doors. As we get into his car we are driving on the expressway and I look at the mp3 player and it is STILL in the "security device!" Let me tell you from experience that if you do intend on stealing , it is extremely hard to open these things!


Anonymous said...

You need to commend yourself Steve, because of you no angels died today, or bunkits.

Oh, and yeah I used to steal stuff from Best Buy too but I got over it. Don't worry one day the urg willl leave you and you wont need to steal MP3 players anymore.

Anonymous said...

hehe yeah that was funny. i thought it was this dr's wife i was banging a year ago, but then i saw she was much better looking than her. doh

and aaron, the bunny thing is not true, i shot one, skinned and hung it at the entrance of the bunny forest so that other bunnies knew that i shoot to kill, i think the bunnies name was thumper! I killed that mofo! and stuffed it with a dead kitten.

steve-o what are you doing stealing mp3 players homie, im going to have to call best buy and report you...

Anonymous said...

So I guess that killing rabbits is the way Piojo rolls.

Hey Pete I have never had a hot girl scream my name out of a car window - while it was moving that is!! Well I guess that is if you don't consider rocking to be moving. HAHAHAHA There is a nice visual for all of you guys on
Monday. No need to thank me.

Anonymous said...

Hey where the hell does 107 and nolana intersect??

Anonymous said...

they intersect in pete's head dude, don't question "the pete" "the pete" is like Mr. T, or Chuck Norris, you don't want to be pitied or round house kicked do you aron?

killing bunnies and stuffing them with dead kittens is how i roll homie, y que? *throws gang sign*

IronGambit said...

Pete you pulled a Fred!!!

IronGambit said...

A-Ron are you glad that Pete posted that to change the topic of the "gay moth?"

Anonymous said...

A little I guess, are you glad that pete posted that to take away from the fact that you have been stealing from Best Buy?

IronGambit said...

Hey! BestBuy has been stealing from me for years!!!