Allez asked what I did with my Trek stickers so here are some pics while I am out GPS Hunting... This one is of a praying mantis that "was" chillin' on my shoulder :)

Random Signs...

If you look closely you can see the bird on the nest... I couldn't get a closer shot because I tried and he flew away :(

And last, do not park on private property or else someone will call the cops and you will have a hard time explaining what you are doing... I took this shot incognito.

Overall I just hope that you enjoy the quality of the pictures
I like the praying mantis. What was on the list for the "hunt"?
honestly theres nothing... it's more like hidden logs for you to sign after you find them.
Dude you totally tagged that mantis!!!!
Hey are you still doing the weekend rides?
ok first off I didn't tag it it was someone else! And no I haven't done a weekend ride in over a month now :(
I looked at the "GPS Hunting" link. I'm REALLY confused about what it is exactly. Maybe its a blonde moment?
put in your area code and see what pops up.
Hey Steve, I got a quick question for you. Remeber when I bought the Carrea and Rick said that he knew a guy that would paint it if I wanted.
Well would the guy just strip the paint for me if i wanted and if so how much would he want (I really like the look of bare titanium). Not that I will have this done anytime soon but I would just like to know, I am kind of getting sick of the paint job on the thing.
I dunno but I can call Rick to find out :) I knew that you were going to say that you wanted it bare with no color... :)
What can I say I like things naked (especially my ladies (damn I wish I could type that in a sleazy French voice))
Ti can be bare right? I mean it dosen't need a clear coat so it wont rust (ah I'll find out)
yeah... so you can have your "barenakedlady"
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