Friday, August 04, 2006

For Non-Pro Cyclists

Right now I know that a lot of people have given up on the sport of cycling... or "lost faith" maybe even sports altogether. Here is a video that Jeef has provided and I felt was important to share...
:::Typed in grey is the true story:::
Dick (60) and Rick (42) also participate as a team in triathlons – grueling combinations of 26.2-mile runs, 112-mile bicycling, and 2.4-mile swims – a remarkable feat considering Rick’s inability to walk or talk. At birth, a coiled umbilical cord had wrapped around his neck, cutting off oxygen to his brain and leaving Rick a quadriplegic with cerebral palsy.
When Rick was eight months old the doctors informed the Hoyts that he’d be a vegetable all his life and that they should just put him away. But Dick and Judy Hoyt had connected with their wounded infant. During a recent phone interview, Dick told me that an extraordinary bond instantly formed between father and son.


Anonymous said...

Why the hell do you put a link to Jeff's bolg?? He hasn't updated since like May - Jeff if your out there your slipping brother, or should I say you have slipped. You are taking up valuable internet space - Which could be filled with good thing like heavy metal videos

'OH OH OH' or better yet porn yeah porn, asian porn, not for me but for Steve's white friend who evidently has a thing for that. See Jeff your lack of bolgging is not only hurting me but also Steve's white friend with an asian fetish, geesh your such an asshole!!!

IronGambit said...

did you even watch the video!? haha

Anonymous said...

Hell no I'm at work - I can only dedicate my time to looking at your bolg briefly and surfing the net for asian porn for your buddy

IronGambit said...

well... when you get out of work, check out the video ;)

Anonymous said...

Fucking doctors

IronGambit said...


Anonymous said...

you never told me what kind of chinese your friend is? is he japanese, taiwanese, philipino(cochinos hahahaha), what kind of chinese is he? did u know that chinese girls have horizontal vaginas?

its true!! {----} not {|}

Anonymous said...

hahahaha I thought that was just an urban legend??

IronGambit said...

it is... piojo doesn't know

IronGambit said...


Deb said...

Love the Cake!!! My fiance is half Japanese...he'd love the sushi cakes. Looks like Tour Mania is hot too! Have a great weekend...and go get a massage!

Anonymous said...

deb, every time i look at your picture i see a girl with a great waist leaning backwards looking over her shoulder................
is it just me? Am I just weird?