Ok, I finally finished the book "The Postal Bus." Overall it was a faily decent book with a lot of insight that we don't think about and or do not see. It has been one of the better books that I have read that are cycling related especially compared to Bobke II. It's funny because the part that I personally found to be the most interesting was not the Tour De France, it was the chapter at the end that was related to the olympics that mainly grabbed my attention. So... if you do decide to read this book don't skip the last chapters I think that they are worth the read ;)

let me borrow it...
What's it about?
It's about Barry who raced "with" Lance Armstrong and their trip during the tour and riding the bus :)
im almost done with it.. its good!
Is it mostly pictures? :-)
no Allez... it's mostly text!!! :) are you making fun of piojo??? haha
How the hell do you have time to read?!?!?
I can't give away my secret running rabbit, or else piojo won't finish reading the book :)
Seriously Steve another day with no post!!!!! You are starting to be more and more like Jeff. That's right Jeff I am calling you out - What you gonna do about it??? HUH??? PFFFF!!! That's what I thought - nothing.
Steve you better post soon or I will have to tell everyone how when you watch Steel Magnolias it makes you cry and then you go and masterbate while thinking of Sallyt Field - Woops
hehehe geee thx allez, you think im stupid? bahh DEFEND ME AARON!!
Can't defend the truth homie!! I think that if that chick from American Idol can admit she can't read then it might be your time to step up to bat - I know what you are thinking Steve "but I always see Piojo reading those magazines"(i.e. Hustler, Club, Barely Legal)
It's not what you think he is actually just looking at the pictures - Fucking Perv
it's only been two days A-Ron! Besides I have a post except I wanted for everyone to see Allez making fun of Piojo :)
Let's straighten things out. I wasn't making fun of piojo, I was making fun of you, IG! I assumed that since you said the book was so great, it HAD to have been all pictures. I would never make fun of Piojo... he has too many deep thoughts :-)
Come on Aleez you can't back down now the statement has already been brought! I can't believe that you would out Piojo on his illiteracy like that - i bet you are the kind of person who gets up first to eat at the buffett too, Like you deserve it PFFFFF!!!
Come on Aleez you can't back down now the statement has already been brought! I can't believe that you would out Piojo on his illiteracy like that - i bet you are the kind of person who gets up first to eat at the buffett too, Like you deserve it PFFFFF!!!
Oh and by the way don't worry Piojo I still respect you even if you can't read - And Steve I don't care how damn long it has been, you should be posting at least twice a day you lazy bastard - see having a blog is a prevliage and if you want to keep it you better do the dance monkey and fucking post!!!!!
you're mom went to college!!
Allez wtf? Why would you make fun of me????
A-Ron the getting up to eat first joke was pretty funny ;)
You were in the chess club, right?
damn... I am getting dissed on my own blog, I am going to have to update so that no one can see this post! :)
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