Ok, I know that sometimes Piojo, A-Ron and even myself can say things that seem to be obnoxious and or mean. The majority of it is a joke, but this is truly taking it too far!

I was going to a softball game with "Pete's Budget" and driving in front of us was a truck hauling a bunch of trash... we look a little closer and in one of the chairs sitting is a person.

A person sitting in the chair I guess would be ok if he was back there to help make sure that certain items wouldn't fall off into the street and possibly hit my car right? But this individual was sound asleep and has down syndrome!
ehhh that was me in the back of the truck, and that isn't trash asshole, that is my new bedroom set my mom got me at the dump! not all of us are rich and can drive a mercedes cunt muscle!
Cunt muscle??? I almost fell out of my chair laughing at that one!!!
I don't want to say anything about this one.
Oh and Lance, if you think that is funny you really need to start watching Entourage
hmm... I wonder why A-Ron has nothing to say?
cause he's a pussy ass cunt muscle that doesnt like to make fun of retards i guess.... or maybe its because up until he was 18 his family thought he had 47 chromosomes.... muahahaha at least thats what your mom told me aron!
The only reason I didn't want to make fun of retards is to not hurt your feelings Piojo (by the way this is the same reason I don't joke about Bestiality, Inbreeding, ugly people, and people who are slow on the bike. I can make fun of homosexuals because at least when Poijo wants to fuck an animal (or family member) it’s a female animal (or family member) )
LMAO! dude, i know ur mom is ugly, but i wouldnt call her an animal! geeez man she gave life to you! and fed you all those cheese puffs that are now to blame for your chubbiness! so what if she drank beer during pregnancy, no need to be an asshole!!!
Fuck Piojo you are such a retard - WOOPS did I go to far??
I never knew you guys were joking, IG. I REALLY thought you were a bunch of fucking homos! :-)
omfg! That is MESSED UP!
Oh looks like Allez wants to get into our BLOG WARS (I am doing theme music while I type this - it goes something like the Star Wars theme but more kick ass because I thought of it)It see you have brought it Allez let the war begin
Its hard for me to have a war during the day. For some reason IG's blog won't open for me at work. Everyone else's will. I tried to e-mail him about it, but I think he just ignored me. And my theme music is more kick ass than yours.
Some man identifying himself as the Devil told me to post a comment here. Why I do not know but, he may be related to that man in the truck. Can you spell law suit. Oh no!!!!!! Good luck to all !!Candy
hm, there are a lot of devils posting on this blog!
hey candy are you hot?
I just had lunch at Applebees' and my waitresses name was Candy... haha :)
was she hot? maybe it's the same candy dude! whoa..
The Devil said was her last name Apples? I do not advertize. Be sure to visit Candy. She needs attention too. Maybe I am hot could that be why my neighbor that looks like Don Johnson gets on his table in the front window with no clothes on and has been asking me to do him or something of that nature for two years now? The Devil says he knows you Hommie or something of that nature. Have a great weekend and please don't get hurt on your bikes Cuties. I know I've fallen off of mine a few times bye for now.
When you look at me what do you
see? Am I a human or just one of many fish in the sea? Do I desserve respect or do you just see dollar signs when you think of me? Do I have any worth or am I just sub human? Does the Great Spirit look down upon me? Set me free. Where are we now ? In the garbage can or in the ground? What were we? Who are we now? Who am I ? We need to love one another. We never know what day is our last.
If we all can't get along what will we do next? Do you really feel any better after ripping eachother apart ? IF you die tommorow won't you feel badly knowing you possiblly hurt someone else. Please spread peace and you will go far. Everyone is special and so are all of you. Build your self esteem up. My friend directed me here. There is'nt a damn thing wrong with any of you just a low self esteem. Why I don't know look at all you have done. Be proud of yourself and your team work. Things could be much worse. Look at the human being in the truck.That may not be you but, he could be in another life. Please have a nice week. Josephina
When you look at me what do you see?
Answer: I don’t know send me a pic!
Am I a human or just one of many fish in the sea?
Answer: well considering you are in fact human and by fish you mean have i fucked you before, i don’t think i have, have i? i never forget a pussy!!
Do I desserve respect or do you just see dollar signs when you think of me?
Answer: If you think i see a dollar sign you must be hot cause i never pay for pussy!
Do I have any worth or am I just sub human?
Answer: and you think we have self esteem issue?
Does the Great Spirit look down upon me?
Answer: are you a fucking indian ooops i mean native american?
If we all can't get along what will we do next?
Answer: if you’re hot, we can fuck!
Do you really feel any better after ripping eachother apart ?
Answer: of course especially that fat fuck aaron!!
IF you die tommorow won't you feel badly knowing you possiblly hurt someone else.
Answer: hehe this makes no sense! i don’t go around writing down everyone one i could have potentially hurt, are you a fucking hippy josie? and besides i'll be dead fertilizing the ground what do i care who i fucking hurt!
Please spread peace and you will go far.
Comment: spread your legs instead and we can go far..unless your ugly and/or fat and/or retarded, which if you are retarded then you're pretty smart to be typing this cause this is at least kindergarten level material!
Everyone is special and so are all of you.
Comment: you fucking idiot, not everyone is special! Are you a modern day teacher? where there are no losers? hahaha fuck that noise!
okay the rest was too stupid to comment on or answer… laters Josie, I hope you’re hot and wanna fuck!! I’d bring my cock out of retirement for you if you are hot!! one more thing, stop writing thinking you’re good at it, you suck! maybe take a college level course……again unless you're a retard then dang that was pretty good for a retard!
Candy says hey Pikachu with a small dick buy my videos and you can jack your prick!!!! That nice Josie would never give you any pussy as she is probably a virgin and a retard. I've laid more men and women than you or Mr.Ed. If you want some T and A you'll have to pay sorry LOOSER. Do'nt worry Loosers get laid too but, they have to pay. Sorry loose that self esteem and my bank account will get larger. I have no education but, my body rocks. Who gives a fuck what you say any way. I've gotta go eat at the Y and take it up the ass but, Who gives a fuck I make cold hard cash. Wow Damn!!!
Hi my name is Linda and Candy told me to go fuck with you assholes. Josie is a retarded Indian fuck or a piece of shit. You all suck and I'm hot. I would'nt give you ass if we were the last fucks on earth. I might fuck Steve if his dick is big enough, if he has money and if he's beyond perfect. I don't fuck Mexicans though because, they fuck animals and shit. Is Steve a Mexican ?? IF so he can jack off. Who's Pikachu a Jap or what ?What are you ugly asshole fuckers besides Steve if he is'nt Mexican. I have an MBA you worthless pieces of dog shit from hell. Lick my ass crack and fertilize the earth. Top that retarded dopes!!! Oh and Josie can eat my pussy allnight longbecause, I am bisexual and have not found a dick big enough. Put your dicks on here asswipes. Now go jack off to Candy's videos (worthless pukes).
Josephina says I am sorry you did not find my writting helpful. I am a teacher. How did you know? I appologize for going to the wrong sight. I am Native American and I am proud. I am a virgin. Sorry I am saving myself for marriage. I believe the Great Spirit will find the right one for me. I do care about all of you regardless of what you say. I am a sixth grade teacher. I hope all goes well for all of you. May the Great Spirit bless your life. Words can't bring me down sorry. I am college educated. What you had to say tells me that you could use some help. Please get help before it is too late. I am a proud American Indian virgin and I believe if you study about the culture it can help you. Good luck to you.
Russel says a horse is a horse of course unless he's the famous Mr.Ed cock sucking puke from hell with a penis so small they think he be an infant in the Ghettto Maffia style!!!!Chew on this you horse fucking Mexican retared asshole. Pikachu eats dicks!!! Bend over Pikachu this gay fucker will show you how to do it Doggy style dope ass tripping puking dick!!! Fuck all you all mutha fucka!!!! See ya but would'nt wanna be you!!! Maybe I'll do ya in prison!!!OOOOH YA Horse's ASS!!!
Hey Pinochio if your dick was as long as your lying fucking nose you'd be one rich Mutha Fucka from my Nigga ass Reggie!!!
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