This is ANOTHER sign mistake that I saw while driving around... now I know that most of it is in spanish, but it doesn't matter what language it is in 4.99 is still the same ;) I just find it funny that they put it right once and then messed up it up later.
don't make fun of my people ese!
They misspelled "especail" also!!!
What's wrong with the sign????
My neighbor Pedro is from Mexico and he said you are a Culer-(fill in the blank)!!! The person who did that may have dyslexia or maybe more than one person did that sign. We love Mexicans!! Why must you pick on everyone ? Our group is Multi-cultural!!! Now Pitch a bitch MF!!!! ha
One more for the road!! The sign could be more perfect but, are you? Who the hell is? Maybe if they put the Mexican flag on the sign or used more attracitve colors such as black plus green to compliment the red plus white. Maybe the paint was too old and it had lead. They may not have worn a mask and got high!! That could cause cancer or temp. insanity ect.. They also could have blown thier budget and all kinds of other shit so fu!!
Those crazy beaners! ;-)
Maybe if some people had some clothes on thier opinion might mean shit!! from Pedro Oh and Pete's wtf if you only had a brain!!!
anonymous, who are you? If you only had a name!!!
Damn anonymous I think I just got dumber from reading your posts man. Make some freaking sense and then maybe we can respect your opinion (doubtful though). I mean shit dude the stuff you write is just fucking retarded non-sense
Beaners go crazy from eating too many beans Allez :-)
And smelling like doritios HAHAHHAHAAH
fuck you all! i know im the only mexican in this forum, fucking coconuts and white people....pff
I held back on posting something but here it goes! To both Lance and Allez you white mofos are full of shit. I think both of you should join the KKK and run for grand wizard. I took offense to the comments that you all posted. To begin with at least these beaners are trying to make a living. Not like most of the white homeless people I see on the corner begging because they are too lazy to find a damn job. They're just trying to feed their families. Remember your asses stink just like everyone elses.
Ya so fu you whitties!!!
Letty, it was said purely in humor just like IG's post about the sign. Ever watch Carlos Mencia?
One of the biggest problems in the world today is that no one has a sense of humor when it comes to race. We're all people, good and bad.
BTW, I'm part "beaner". Do you really think "Notstrong" is my real last name? Try something that ends with an "o".
In fact, I'm Irish, Italian and Hispanic. I'm a fucking mutt. Guess I'm a low-riding, mafia, drunk LOL!!!!
You sure as hell ain't Carlos Mencia.
No but he sure is fucking funny!!! I guess fame makes what he says ok.
"Dee Dee Dee" LOL :-)
Hey Letty, how is what I said any worse than what A-ron said about "smelling like doritios"? A-ron, someone that works for Doritos might take offence :-)
I think there is some selective enforcement going on here IG.
Sorry to disappoint you, Letty. I'm not in the KKK. For 4 reasons:
1. I look horrible in white. My pale, pasty European complexion does better in pinks, greens and blues.
2. I also don't like to dress in big gowns. I prefer to dress like a trashy, cheap white redneck.
3. I would look weird with a shaved head.
4. I love Mexican food too much. And Mexicans, for that matter. I give blow jobs for homemade tamales.
Why don't you come off your pedastal and eat my ass.
I can make you some tamales Allez!!! :-)
No, because I think you are full of shit.
Can't we all just get along!!!
Aren't we all full of shit? I know I am :-)
Sorry but, we'll have to side with
Letty he's got brains and balls!!Maybe he could teach you dumb fuck red necks a thing or two!!NA shit for brains can't be corrected!! He's probably getting laid or working a real job. Sorry Loosers!!
Mejor que sea un pendejo que dos!
Piojo can my friend Shawna eat your hot tamale sexy mother fucker??? We think your the sexiest of them all. Have a great day hot stuff gotta go back to our real jobs!! Bye we try to get on your blog and it just gives us a white handed finger man!! WTF????? How racist what redneck mf did that???
it's a script i wrote to screen for queers. but you know i am a sexy mofo aren't i?? say hi to johnny cash next time u visit...
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