Saturday, April 29, 2006

A Four Dog Night...

Usually you can tell how cold it is outside while you are camping by counting the dogs that someone is sleeping with, the colder the night the more dogs. Well this is NOT the case I am dog sitting right now and all I have to say is, try not to fall asleep with your door open! :)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Houston... There is Not a Problem...

Here are a few pics from my trip to Houston:
Above is a pic from the restaurant that I ate at:
This is the entrance of The Woodlands Healthcare Center:
This is one of the patios at The Woodlands:
I had a long lunch so I did some walking around this is a bridge/building shot:
I like this one because of the reflection of my feet walking by:
I originally had a Dodge Neon, but they ran out so I got a free upgrade ;)
The entrance of The Woodlands:
This is my Sager shot: "It ain't the TdG...but then I am not Tommy D."
In the air: I love morning flights because of the sun rise...
I of course had to check out a few Houston bike shops ;) We know that Jeef love's the wheel set!

Jet Lag...

A-Ron this is not another week post till I update again! I was just out of town and in Houston your favorite city. I just landed last night and I had to work Saturday and Sunday before I left on Monday :) I have some pics, and I'll update later but have no worries I have PLENTY of pics to put up! :)

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Race to Replace...

I guess I am sad and happy at the same time to hear news like this, the point of this is to find an American to attempt to replace Lance Armstrong in the Tour De France. I am sad because this means that they are not considering good ol' George Hincapie who in my opinion truly deserves the attempt... although after his crash I can see their point ;) I am happy beacuse I am glad that Lance still wants the sport to live on, even though he is not racing it anymore. The sport only becomes popular when you have an American on the podium.
You can check out the whole story here:

Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter (recap)

I hope that everyone had a good Easter weekend, for me I know it feels like it went by too fast. I did the Sunday ride but there were not too many people out there... I rode with the team on the way out and then I couldn't keep up "again" and I had to ride home by myself. I then went over to my families house and "participated" in an easter egg hunt haha :)
For some reason there were a lot of cyclists at Carl's Jr instead of BK? I still don't know what that was about...
This shot is a reflection off of my car, where did the camera go?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


How do you define art? I guess it all has to do with the eye of the beholder, I actually like this tag and I always see it after I leave a certain Dr's office. Well today I was with a friend and as I drove by I took the shot :)
I see this sign on my way home after work, and this is J Leno ready!
You tell me what's wrong with this sign??? :)

Monday, April 10, 2006

Sore Legs...

I showed up for the Sunday ride and it seemed like most of the "Rio Cyling" team wasn't there? I think that I heard they went to a race? Not to0 sure about this, but maybe I am just getting used to those guys. On the way out it was against the wind for a change and on the way back it was with the wind... so on the way back I guess I felt kind of good and just decided to go ahead right after the over pass on Brian Rd. I had almost a 2 block lead on everyone else and I was holding 25 on my own thinking, yeah... it'll be awhile before they catch me. I look down and all I see when I look up are 4 guys flying past me like I was standing still! I had to pick it up to 31.5 just to catch their wheels. After that was just attack after attack after attack. I guess I was lucky to still even be there...
Talk about attention to detail, This is Oscars bike
has anyone seen a missing red bike? contact (555) 555.5555
And someone I hadn't seen in awhile Manny in the HealthNet uniform actually held more than his own out there on the Sunday ride ;)
So Needless to say... today I have sore legs :)

Friday, April 07, 2006

Some People...

are regular bloggers, and there are photobloggers... I figure that I am a complete total photoblogger and I do some video too. I am going to do what Sager calls' a photodump ;) Of course all these pics are photoshop edited.
For SOME crazy reason this kid was standing behind me while I was talking outside of my job... so I took a pic ;)
This is a new chair that I have in my computer room, it's actually pretty comfortable :)
This shot was taken by a co-worker, I was probably thinking about riding my bike after I get out of work! :)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What Goes around come around?

Sometimes bad things happen to bad people in life... haha this video might explain a little more, but this is the old hit the person on a bike with the door to knock them down prank.

Monday, April 03, 2006

MTB Crash

This video is an oldy but goodie :) "viewer discrestion advised"

Saturday, April 01, 2006

"Gone Fishin'"

Friday night I went out with some of the guys that I used to work with... they took me fishing, I don't know where I was at, but it took a really long time to get there and a really long time to get back! I can't remember the last time that I have been fishin' but I will remember this Catfish that I caught! :)

I got home really late Friday night or should I say Saturday morning it was probably around 3ish... then I had to wake up at 6a.m. for the Vannie E. Cook Ride. Piojo picked up on my lack of sleep right away! haha, but over all the ride went pretty well and there was a HUGE turn out... a big congrats out to Letty Zavala for organizing this event! :)