Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Coming Soon...

My birthday is coming up!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mowing the Yard...

I have been working so much recently that I barely have anytime for myself. This hopefully will change soon. With my spare time I find myself doing only important things like mowing the yard, throwing the trash, dishes, and vacuuming the house. The sad part was yesterday while mowing the yard my neighbor from across the street is loading his wal mart bikes with his wife to go riding... it's a hard thing to watch while I am pushing that mower :(

Monday, February 19, 2007

New Bike Joke

New Bike

A father came home from a long business trip to findhis son riding a very fancy new 10 speed bike. "Wheredid you get the money for the bike? It must have cost$300."

"Easy, Dad," the boy replied. "I earned it hiking."

"Come on," the father said. "Tell me the truth."

"That is the truth," the boy replied. "Every night youwere gone, Mr. Reynolds from the grocery store wouldcome over to see Mom. He'd give me a $20 bill and tellme to take a hike!"

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Not so Warm...

Well, I am finally back home... tired of being sick and tired of the cold. It's basically the same temperature here as it was up in Dallas, the good part is that I am feeling a hell of a lot better than I was just yesterday! Go figure that I would "after" I leave huh?
So... what's the deal with planes calling their bathrooms lavatory's? I can probably understand the international flights, but what about just the U.S. ones, they still call it the lavatory... I am obviously used to it now but when I first started flying that was kinda confusing!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am still sick but I am feeling alittle better atleast! I am still stuck in this hotel and this early morning they decide to weedeat outside and a huge and "loud" semi truck wants to park outside my room :( Hey atleast I have HBO right? I have seen StarWars like three times already! PLUS they showed one of the original episodes that I am watching right now :) It's pretty funny actually. Anyway Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sick & Tired of being Sick & Tired...

I am sick and tired, after talking to my friends from the hospital I probably have the flu... Right now we are under a wind warning which basically tried to break down my down last night! Talk about a rude awakening! Tomorrow it is suppose to snow so it doesn't get any better! So I am just here warm and cold at the same time, my body can't make up it's mind. I guess I should have taken airborne like my friend recommended haha! Now I feel like a fool! I have lost my appetite and I have no car either, so basically I am stuck here and could not explore Dallas even if I had wanted to.
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No geocaching! :(

Monday, February 12, 2007


I am just here sitting at the airport in Harlingen. I have not been to this airport for awhile, it sucks cause there's one in McAllen A LOT closer but oh well! This will be my first time flying on SouthWest, I heard that it's a free for all on finding a seat... that sounds like a 'race' to me! I showed up really early so I have just been bugging people early this morning sending text msg's! Oh yeah and it seems from my extensive research it will be cold and rainy :(
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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Flying Out

I am flying out for a couple of days... I should be back AFTER or on the day of Valentine's, I hope Dallas is not freaking cold like everywhere else!!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Run Omar Run

This weekend was the Edinburg 10k. This event attracts thousands of people in a small town rural area, a lot of big names show up and truly are there for the 2,500 dollar pot of gold at the end!
We actually showed up late to the race... everyone had already left! But that's ok, it was more rabbits for us to chase, and it's A LOT harder to get passed when you started at the very end!
-All pics are in random order-
Above The motivational drum line while running!
The finish line looks soo nice ;)
Above: This is our version of Lance and American flag!
1 mile... ok, we are only here? haha

This is Omar's second 10k already, lets keep up the good work! ;)


Friday, February 02, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me *Tagged*

OK, just like Piojo I was tagged... not by Lance but by his partner in crime Allez.

6 Weird Things About Me

I am into geocaching… people know that, but not everyone and I guess it’s considered weird.

NOT shaving my legs… like Lance said shaving his legs would have been considered weird but since more of our readers are tris, runners, and cyclists it is actually pretty common so I am “weird” for not shaving my legs!

Just like Lance is addicted to WoW I am addicted to DoD *Day of Defeat*

I spit a lot *sorry for the visual* haha

I don’t mind wearing *fitted jeans* and I like the way that spandex feels…….

I cuss when I sneeze… awwww shheeet!

I now have to tag 6 peeps back... man it seems like everyone on my list has already been tagged...

Running Rabbit, Mrs Valentine, BikeDrool, Life Cycle, eh... that's it haha :)


Comments Invisible...

I got the comments to work "somehow" I don't even know how I did it... now when it has comments it changes color to the background so you cannot see it. Yes it is still there I will have to fix that later though!


OK the comments are not working right now... it's something I'll have to fix in a bit! It's the only part that I hate about transitions!