Monday, April 23, 2007

Finally Back...

I screwed up my flight so I flew in a lot later than I was supposed to! Seems like I was gone for a long time... I actually forgot my camera so I missed out on a lot of pictures :(
All I can say about Phoenix, AZ is that it is a cycling, running, swimming, heaven! Well atleast compared to McAllen, TX. Almost everywhere you looked there were bike shops and of course people on bikes! McAllen is a desert and so is Phoenix, but atleast there is water such as lakes and rivers! Either way the "foothills" or mountains to me looked like they would but an eventful ride, so one day I'll go back to actually do it!
I'll post more later because it's late right now and of course I have to get up early!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dallas -NASCAR-

Random pics during NASCAR:

Above Dallas Galleria
A tornado hit us on Friday all of the ambulances there to pick up all the bodies incase!
below is a pick after theh tornado passed...

Above: It's the NASCAR thing to do!

Gotta love the fans!

I fly out to Phoenix -NASCAR- tomorrow morning, so just drop a note here and there and I will see if the hotel has internet or not!

Monday, April 16, 2007


I'm back, will update and post more later I just need to recover! ;)

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Edcouch-Elsa 5k

2007 2nd Annual La Maquina
5K Run/Walk

I have been running pretty decently recently basically because that's truly all I have time to do. I still consider myself to be a cyclist! :)
Here are a few pics from the race... thanks to Pete for being at the finish line! Especially since I wasn't expecting it, that made it a nicer treat! He took a picture with his camera phone.... not too bad if you ask me!

Some random pics, my new shoes riding shot gun! The other pic is this huge building kind of in the middle of a small town... :)
My time was 25:22 for the 5k, which is kinda what I had expected so I'm satisfied with that!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More Lighting Random Pics

More Random pics! Sorry I know that I take a lot of pics but it's fun! :)
On the right side of the bottom pic are barrels while I am going through a construction zone
Honestly I have no idea how I got that red line on the side, but I felt it was appropriate to post especially since it was an accident and all! ;)
I was attempting to follow the truck on the left of this picture so that it would come out clear, I not too good at that yet! But the true attempt was there!
This week so far has been pretty busy. Talked to a couple of friends that I haven't talk to in awhile including, James, and Rick, also Santiago has gone out of his way to visit me at the store!

I will be out of town for a couple of weekends. One of the weekends will be Dallas NASCAR, I will probably post a couple of the events that I am going to be doing and YOU KNOW that you will see pictures! haha, also my "other" pair of shoes have arrived and they pretty much are what I expected and I am EXTREMELY excited to use them!

Meri Heggie is holding a couple of events that are actually pretty unusual to this neck of the woods. She is holding a Trail run race series, with ALL of the other NEW pairs of shoes I have gotten this past week "yes" I also got a new pair of trail running shoes, yes Nike... I know a "brand whore" So I will probably "attempt" the one's that I am in town for just to use the shoes!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Lighting Effects

I have been messing around with my camera and some of the lighting effects. Marco made me enjoy taking night pictures a lot more! This is not my car, but my fathers. Don't tell him that I was driving and taking pictures at the same time!! Below is a picture of my cousins' son. If you look closely his shirt is inside out and backwards, his shoes are not showing but they are on the wrong feet too! His "rent's" shouldn't have let him dress himself huh!?
On another note congrats to two close friends of mine. Omar has unselfishly donated a kidney this past week to his brother that truly needed it, hats off to him and his acts of kindness. I have thought about it and wondered how I would handle it if I was in that position, several people say that I would do the same but it is hard to tell until put in that situation. I am fortunate enough that I do not have to make a decision like that right now.

Second I proudly congratulate Ed, for his hard work and effort and never giving up in his goal for cycling. He rode in the rain cold weather, in the night, in the morning, and basically when no one else would. He finished 4th place over all in the 6hour MTB race held in Brownsville this weekend. You deserve it congrats!