More Random pics! Sorry I know that I take a lot of pics but it's fun! :)

On the right side of the bottom pic are barrels while I am going through a construction zone

Honestly I have no idea how I got that red line on the side, but I felt it was appropriate to post especially since it was an accident and all! ;)

I was attempting to follow the truck on the left of this picture so that it would come out clear, I not too good at that yet! But the true attempt was there!

This week so far has been pretty busy. Talked to a couple of friends that I haven't talk to in awhile including, James, and Rick, also Santiago has gone out of his way to visit me at the store!
I will be out of town for a couple of weekends. One of the weekends will be Dallas NASCAR, I will probably post a couple of the events that I am going to be doing and YOU KNOW that you will see pictures! haha, also my "other" pair of shoes have arrived and they pretty much are what I expected and I am EXTREMELY excited to use them!
Meri Heggie is holding a couple of events that are actually pretty unusual to this neck of the woods. She is holding a
Trail run race series, with ALL of the other NEW pairs of shoes I have gotten this past week "yes" I also got a new pair of trail running shoes, yes Nike... I know a "brand whore" So I will probably "attempt" the one's that I am in town for just to use the shoes!