In Texas, a lot of our friends are out at the Interbike show in Vegas! Check out what we are missing! :(
In Texas, a lot of our friends are out at the Interbike show in Vegas! Check out what we are missing! :(
Was pretty cool, I saw some riders that I would have to say was WEIRD to see... but not that long ago it was WEIRD not to see them! So enough with that!
a picture is worth 1,000 words
A while back I designed a banner for Nick Martin. He's a Pro Racer for Trek MTB, he couldn't pay me with cash but he did pay me with this!
This picture is one of my favourites... the reason that I like it soo much is because if you look closely it is autographed by Nick, he also finished top 20 that day ;)
So after not having the best day all today I got to come home to the package from Nick and the instant message from Maigh telling me to check out her site! :)
Is a ryde that I don't usually attend. But since I didn't have an opportunity to ride in the morning I said why the heck not! The ryde ending up being a little more than I expected but overall it was super crazy and super fun!
Only four of us showed up and 3 others showed up at Granjeno...
One of my pads flew off!! when my bike was on top of my car!!!
Oh and btw, Santiago I am sorry our max speed was not what I had told you, it was the same as what yours was today also!
If you look at the rain it is actually bouncing off of each other! This was from a sunny beautiful Saturday morning to a crazy rainy afternoon!