Friday, September 30, 2005

While We Are Stuck...

In Texas, a lot of our friends are out at the Interbike show in Vegas! Check out what we are missing! :(

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


I just would like to thank you for your post ;)
Thanks Colt!
Also check out my father's new ride ;)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

GodSpeed101 MUST...

read my blog! haha because last time I set him as a small personal goal. When I set that goal he was only 50 miles away... NOW I go back and check and he's 245.5 miles further!
That's the purpose of BikeJournal for you!
Today I couldn't make up my mind on whether or not I should run or bike? So this morning we did both. A little interesting for me since the last time I did that I couldn't walk for a week. So it shows that the running that I am doing here and there are paying off! :)
ALSO! don't forget to check out the new video that I made and feedback on it is also appreciated ;)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

The ride today...

Was pretty cool, I saw some riders that I would have to say was WEIRD to see... but not that long ago it was WEIRD not to see them! So enough with that!

a picture is worth 1,000 words

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Hurricane...

seems like it is going to barely miss us... but at a category five I can't help to think that we will truly get some back lash. I think that it is so odd how I hope that it doesn't hit us directly, but if it doesn't hit us then it still has to hit someone else :(

Monday, September 19, 2005

Ok I have A Lot To Share...

Today, For those of you that don't know my mother has been battling beaten cancer. Maigh did a charity walk in Atlanta and proudly wore my mothers name on her shirt during the event! Her name is at the very bottom!
These are the highlights
20 on sat, 10 on sun...collective 30, Maigh crossed the finish line 1st on Sat, 2nd on Sun

A while back I designed a banner for Nick Martin. He's a Pro Racer for Trek MTB, he couldn't pay me with cash but he did pay me with this!

This picture is one of my favourites... the reason that I like it soo much is because if you look closely it is autographed by Nick, he also finished top 20 that day ;)

So after not having the best day all today I got to come home to the package from Nick and the instant message from Maigh telling me to check out her site! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Saturday Team Ryde...

turned out pretty well, James, Joe and I did a small break away... I never really am involved with something like that but I have to admit that it was a lot of fun!
Below is a pic of James with the Peleton catching us!
Below is the morning before the ride in black and white...
Sorry that you couldn't join us A-Ron!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Thursdays Team Ryde...

Is a ryde that I don't usually attend. But since I didn't have an opportunity to ride in the morning I said why the heck not! The ryde ending up being a little more than I expected but overall it was super crazy and super fun!

Only four of us showed up and 3 others showed up at Granjeno...

One of my pads flew off!! when my bike was on top of my car!!!

Oh and btw, Santiago I am sorry our max speed was not what I had told you, it was the same as what yours was today also!

Monday, September 12, 2005

The Five Emotions of Getting Dropped:

1. DENIAL --- "I'm not getting dropped. It's just a little gap and I can catch up, no problem".
2. ANGER --- "I can't believe they're dropping me! Oh, they're going to pay for this, when I catch them."
3. BARGAINING --- "Please God, give them a head wind or a traffic light to make them stop or slow down, and I promise to spend tomorrow playing with the kids."
4. DEPRESSION --- "I'm not any good at cycling. I should sell my bike and start playing golf. I don't think my cycling buddies like me anymore."

5. ACCEPTANCE --- "Ok. I'm dropped. Guess I had better just enjoy the ride. It would have been fun riding with them, but maybe I'll catch them at the next rest stop or even meet some new friends."
Thanks to KinCannondale from for his cycling humor!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Scorcher Torchure...

seemed to go pretty well, a really nice turn out and a pretty decent race... it was hard for me to stand on the side lines but sometimes it's nice to help out every once and awhile!
First pic is Manny helping with a flat tire: Second pic is Manny posing:
Below is Lance's new Time Trial Helmet and then the flag raising for 9.11
The green Team is Letty's favorite team: The orange team speaks for itself! I knew someday I would get Santiago!
This is just alittle bit of what the race was like! hopefully I will get some more pics in the future!
Since I had to help at the beginning and the end I didn't get any racing pics :(

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I Have a Friend...

That works for the Monitor, well I woke up this morning and he sent me an e-mail and it looked like this!
You can click on the link to read the whole article...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Who wants a banner!?

These are a couple of banners that I have done for others in the past month...
This one is for the new website ;)
Below is pro racer Nick Martin, nice through e-mail probably a lot meaner on the bike! ;)
and my recent banner is for Colt... he is a true gentleman.
I don't think that I need to tell you who their sponsors are either!
I have all their blogs linked on the right hand side.
That's all the cool stuff... as for the events that I was involved in this past week, well everything went extremely well! I'll post a few pics from the events in the future.

Monday, September 05, 2005

It May Not Be...

easy to find me these "2" next days... Tomorrow my day starts at 5 in the morning with NO riding involved! I have an important event to attend to and will be having local officials at my nursing home including General Sanchez, The Governor of Texas, The Major and other elected officials... The day after that I have to attend an Health Fair in Weslaco which my day again will start at 5 in the morning with no riding involved!
Below is a sign that has been bothering me for some time now!!!
I thought that this picture was just a nice black and white...

On Sunday my father turned 50! This picture reminds me of that old logic question:
2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing and they catch a total of 3 fish, yet all of them have a fish, how?

Saturday, September 03, 2005

I did not...

Get to do my ride today! :( I had to be at work! But today is Jeff's Birthday! and I got him a cupcake!

If you look at the rain it is actually bouncing off of each other! This was from a sunny beautiful Saturday morning to a crazy rainy afternoon!

Friday, September 02, 2005

This weekend I will be...

under the weather, literally!
Hopefully it won't be as bad as it looks! I want to atleast get to do the Saturday ride... are you coming A-Ron??? :) Give me a call maybe we can car pull! with these gas prices haha!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

We had our own little...

Storm yesterday, NOT exactly katrina but it did do a little flooding and some damage.

Here are some pics AFTER the storm... and if you look really close to the last pic there is a small ripple from a rain drop :)