Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Scorcher Torchure...

seemed to go pretty well, a really nice turn out and a pretty decent race... it was hard for me to stand on the side lines but sometimes it's nice to help out every once and awhile!
First pic is Manny helping with a flat tire: Second pic is Manny posing:
Below is Lance's new Time Trial Helmet and then the flag raising for 9.11
The green Team is Letty's favorite team: The orange team speaks for itself! I knew someday I would get Santiago!
This is just alittle bit of what the race was like! hopefully I will get some more pics in the future!
Since I had to help at the beginning and the end I didn't get any racing pics :(


Anonymous said...

Dude that was kick ass putting that breaking away article up I so want to go out and rent that movie today (in fact I think that is exactly what I will do). Hey who ended up winning the race? Was it a team or individual thing?

IronGambit said...

The race was an individual race... but the Laredo team truly worked as a Team. They had top 2 of the top 3 and the other was from the RiverRockets.

Anonymous said...


IronGambit said...

haha it was! weird being on the sidelines but yeah it was still pretty cool.

IronGambit said...

Thanks I literally had to get on hand and knee to take a few of them! :)