Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Ride This Morning

Went pretty nice... I felt a small cool breeze out, but nothing too cold. I am not the fondest of riding in bad weather conditions, I don't like to ride when it's extremely hot, extremely cold, raining, or snowing! NOT to say that I won't! it's just not my preference! ;) *it's too exspensive* Right now the weather seems to be just right...


Anonymous said...

How far did you go this morning?

IronGambit said...

I only rode 17 miles... I am testing out some routes and how long it takes me to do them!

Anonymous said...

you should have titled this pic, "The ride as seen by my crotch!" hahaha

IronGambit said...

haha ONLY YOU would think of something like that... it's not actually infront of my crotch! It's sitting at the bottom of my seat post which happens to be a lot lower!
I am trying to give a different "perspective" :)
so what do you think of the BBQ flyer on

Anonymous said...

I think it would sound better if we just call it pictures a la wang!! HAHAHA

IronGambit said...

NOT you too!!! :)
are you wanting to wake up early in the morning and ride with me then???

Anonymous said...

No thanks i am completly content with my current wake up schedule. Hey are yu going to start the night riding or what?