Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Run Lately?
I don't know if this movie should be titled "Overcoming" or "Overwhelming" It was a very heart moving and can't take your eyes off of movie. Because of the subtitles this is a movie that you truly want to watch without anybody else around. It shows team CSC racing against Postal in the 2004 Tour De France, I find it funny with the movie you actually begin to "root on" Ivan Basso hoping that he's going to beat Lance. We already know that he doesn't and we know that we already rooted for Lance! haha But this movie will for sure get you rooting for Ivan Basso for The Tour De France 2006.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Team Saturday Ride
Ok, maybe this was a mistake but after staying up late to watch Hincapie outsprint all those wheel suckers! I was too much in the mood NOT to ride my bike today! I say that it was a mistake because I got dropped like a bad habit! There was a break away and for some reason AFTER it passes I decide to chase? Oh well, isn't it odd how "break" and "mistake" rhyme? yeah... But that's ok, as always I still had fun ;)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Overcoming CSC
Overcoming is a DVD about a pro cycling team and their journey during their intense training and racing... it also shows how hard it really is and what it takes to be in their group. A-Ron this is a link of the trailer for the DVD so you can check it and beg me to borrow it later! :)
Monday, February 20, 2006
Sony MP3 Players
My Birthday is coming up very soon.... in 9 days to be exact, but who's counting huh? I hope that I get an MP3 Player for my b-day and I feel that I have narrowed it down to 2 and probably already picked the one that I want the most. I am going with Sony because of it's outstanding reputation and the whole "Apple Ipod" Error I don't know about being a lemming and following the crowd. Besides I am a pc guy all the way! :)
Saturday, February 18, 2006
The Jalapeno 100

Thursday, February 16, 2006
Post 100...
That means somehow I have managed to make 100 posts already! That's crazy I think! haha :) I have a pic for those of you that don't live in the demographics that I do! :)
That Coke is actually in the old school glass containers! :)
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Ping Pong anyone???
www.IronGambit.blogspot.com |

Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
We Have a New Blogger...
Below are pictures from Saturdays fun... thanks to everyone who whole heartly helped to make small events like this possible.
Dirk brought his photoalbum and Letty somehow got a hold of the "old school" jerseys that the original Team McAllen used to wear.
And last but not least Jeff on the Day of Defeat bike! Of course I had to do some photoshop effects or else it wouldn't be me huh??? :)
Saturday, February 11, 2006
The Movie RAD
Monday, February 06, 2006
Edinburg 10k Run...

On Saturday Edinburg held their annual 10k run, I never had attended one but I always knew that it was going on because all the roads were blocked off. I could not believe that amount of people that attended the event! Literally 100's of people and styrofoam cups everywhere! I think to hold an event like this would be easier to do than to hold a cycling event that big. That's probably why I enjoy cycling more :)