On Saturday Edinburg held their annual 10k run, I never had attended one but I always knew that it was going on because all the roads were blocked off. I could not believe that amount of people that attended the event! Literally 100's of people and styrofoam cups everywhere! I think to hold an event like this would be easier to do than to hold a cycling event that big. That's probably why I enjoy cycling more :)
Ohh man those fuckers were fucking up our party!! My buddy lives on Raul Longora in between Doolittle park where it starts and Freddy Gonzalez, imagine!! And alcohol and guns don't mix, hehe we almost shot those fucks!!
early in the morning on Saturday?
I can see you have never truly had the pleasure of partying with the piojo
yeah it seems so... :)
Ahh Steve has had his share man, I've heard some fucked up stories by this man and his old partna Collin... lol Crazy Bitches!!
yeah I'm retired now... :)
The man has been put out to graze
I'm too old, too poor, and too tired! :)
so you ran the race? i'm setting a goal to run the 5k (yes i'm a weenie) in july...it seems like forever away, but i am the laziest and most unfit person in the world...so i need all the time i can get to "train"...maybe i should blog about my training...
that's steve second from the left in the picture ;)
hey, are you going to update nick martin's banner to "... second year bike pro."
Yeah he wants for me to update it :)
i'd better not comment about your running form or else mine might make it to your blog someday.
the good thing is you don't know where me race pictures are on the internet....hahahaha!!!
Yeah I know where they are at! You left the links in my history from when you looked at them from my house! :)
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