Monday, April 17, 2006

Easter (recap)

I hope that everyone had a good Easter weekend, for me I know it feels like it went by too fast. I did the Sunday ride but there were not too many people out there... I rode with the team on the way out and then I couldn't keep up "again" and I had to ride home by myself. I then went over to my families house and "participated" in an easter egg hunt haha :)
For some reason there were a lot of cyclists at Carl's Jr instead of BK? I still don't know what that was about...
This shot is a reflection off of my car, where did the camera go?


Anonymous said...

What the hell is that commet about on the top?? Anyways, don't you know all these dudes are doing secret training, it is just like the night rides - all of a sudden everyone just stopped showing up and come to find out they were doing rides at a diffrent time and place, and they didn't say anything to the dudes that were doing the night rides.

I guess Team McAllen dosen't want to post these secret rides on their site or anything like that.

Anonymous said...

hehe it's a conspiracy dude!! A CONSPIRACY I TELL YA!! Looks like Iron finally got some spam, welcome to my world!

IronGambit said...

damn I got spammed!!! I'll have to delete it later! :)

Anonymous said...

Damn conspiracy I knew it!!! what can we do to fight this masked terror???

Hey and piojo what's up dude?? how come no updates on the blog??

Anonymous said...

been busy... I shall update . .

Anonymous said...

Oh the camera thing??? I just thought you were doing a gay pose.

IronGambit said...

haha that's funny ;) "I was though!"

Anonymous said...

Rio Cycling accepted Carl's Jr. as their sponsor and are leaving from there now. In a way its good they're getting their independence.

As for Easter Sunday's poor turnout... Well, most people took the day off from cycling to spend it with their families... Not to mention a lot of folks were out of town.

Later Steevo!

- Frator

Anonymous said...

I like riding with the Rio Cycling guys...

And update this mofo already steve god dammit fuck!!

IronGambit said...

wow... calm down there :) I am going to update it! I am going to be in Houston for business Mon-Wed so I'll have a lot of pics to take! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.