Friday, May 19, 2006

Express Yourself

Ok I have been thinking lately and recently realized the "new" word for the decade... well atleast in business it is Express ;) I'll give you a short recap of how my week went this weekend. I flew out for business and I sat next to the Dean of Business for STC. He asked what I did and where I was going... so I told him this.
This morning I woke up with an "espresso" to put on my "Express Suit" I then rode the ME or "McAllen Express" to get to the airport to fly on the "Continential Express," which I paid for with my "American Express" through e-mail on my "Outlook Express" after I landed in Lubbock, TX I checked into the "Holiday Inn Express" to discuss my company's new building "The Express Recovery Unit." And if I forgot anything in Lubbock, TX they said that they would mail it to me via "Federal Express"


Anonymous said...

dude, you sound like Madonna... ;)

IronGambit said...

and you sound like a mint m&m blizzard.

Anonymous said...

do you know how many bites does it take to get to the bottom of a mint m&m blizzard?

Anonymous said...

do you know how many bites does it take to get to the bottom of a mint m&m blizzard?

IronGambit said...

Jeff can you get me that new blizzard express?

Anonymous said...

i just did my laundry and i think i will let my ex press my pants.

doooo doo dooooooooooooo!!!

IronGambit said...

dude I rode the "express way" today :)

Kin said...

I love the way you expressed your thoughts today. Well done!

Anonymous said...

the hen in my backyard has her eggs pressed between her legs.

Anonymous said...

ah juth gahd bag fwum dah jim wiff ah cold, oll ah did wuth egs preth... 8-P

Dude that's sooo stupid, but i'm running out of things to say, a-ron won't post, AND YOU WON'T UPDATE!!! (and don't use some lame ass excuse like being busy at work or family time or something...... GAAAAAWSH!!)