I think that this concept is an idea in the making! :) Jeef sent me this link probably in Mochary but I feel that the concept is there, but at this time in the market that it might fail. I think that it would be hard for a runner to check your "stats" while the device is strapped to your arm, so you'll most likely have to WAIT till you get home to know exactly where you are at! :( and we all know that in this day and age that we want to know now!

Wait till they make one with cycling functions.
Anyways, who runs really?? Running is only for women and homosexual men (the flamming ones)!! If I'm not telling the truth then why is their a woman runing in the ad and not a man?? Because women are more prone to do this crap!!
5 bucks says she can spank you on the running trail as well as on the bike a-ron ;-P
but like i tell steve,
imagine there's a kenyan who wears this and runs 5 1/2 min. miles with a cadence of 150 steps/min, right?
Then you have someone like me, right? Still with a cadence of 150, i run let's say an 8 1/2 min. mile.
All that thing does is count your steps, assign a distance per step, add it all up, and tell you you've run x distance, right?
So by this rationale, if it tells me i ran a mile in 8 1/2 min, it tells the kenyan that he ran 1 also when actually he really ran more than 1 and a half. (unless I'm missing something.....)
I would like to know where your info comes from when you say she can out ride me??
And yes I bet she can out run me, she is a grils, she runs, I am a man, I do not run, therefore she has the running pratice whereas I do not. I am pretty sure homosexuals can out run me too.
My friend is a good runner. He's a metro. Does that count?
OHHHH YEAAHHHH It counts - Metro is probably as close to gay as possible (well other than ED)
Hey and don't start thinking I'm a homophobe or anything. I am all for homosexuality, espacilly when it is between two women
That woman isn't a "real runner" anyway. Her boobs are all fake and round. Apple needs to at least get someone that's run a mile before.
I was at a marathon in December watching all the fags cross the line at 26.2 miles......yeah, it's about as gay as you can get :-)
You guys are messed up!
HAHAHAHAHHA - This is great.
I might take up running if I saw this girl out there but it is like Lance said she isn't a real runner anyways.
Wait a second, running is gay I would never take up running.
Are you going to quit running now?
If I can just change one persons mind about running then all of my efforts have not been in vain.
ahhh, leave him be, he just wouldn't be able to hack it and is making up for his insecurity by bashing all male runners...
OOHHHHHH I am sooo insecue.
Alright Jeff I think that the real problem here is that you know that I am right, which in turn means that deep down you have homosexual tendancies. You need to let go of your own insecurities and embrace your love for your fellow male.
I wont judge you brother just let it out, fly that rainbow flag with pride. :)
hey no rainbows here
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