Tuesday, May 02, 2006


this is a way to save gas... I saw this on halfbakery.com but I also felt that it was too funny NOT to share! :)

horcycle make a 4-weeled-bicycle for horses

Ok so the oil is running out. How are we going to get around? I suggest going back to horses, but in a totally different way!
The average running speed of a man is around 24km/hr. The average speed on a bike is double, at 50km/hr.
Horses can sustain 80km/hr. Imagine how fast they'd go on a bike! Well over the speed limit anyway. It would be so much more efficient than petrol motors.
There are a lot of technical and perhaps moral difficulties with this idea. However, I think it is possible to engineer any such machine if the problem is clearly defined; certain breeds of horses could learn to become quite comfortable with the device, especially if exposed from birth.
Technical problems - breaking, balance, gears, training the horse.
Moral problems - car crashes, comfort of horse, potential for animal abuse.
To me, these seem like the kinds of problems that can be overcome, and I've already got a few ideas, but I'd better stop now while it's still half-baked :)


Anonymous said...

Alright Steve here it goes - there is no such thing as a four wheel bicycle (I know that you got this from the half-baked website but I have to say it) Bi implies two so we will have to call it something else.

Just like when we say ED is BI - It isn't accurate because we all know he is only one sexual - homosexual.

Plus don't forget you have to feed these damn animals and is that really cheaper than gas?? Not sure but I would doubt it. See if we ride bikes we have to ingest more food which I believe will be the same with horses. Hay is cheap but a horse has to eat every day where as I fill my car once or twice a week.

IronGambit said...

Yeah but if you run 100 miles you have to eat more than if you rode 100 miles huh?? ;)

Anonymous said...

When the hell have you ever run 100 miles?? I know that most of us have and will never do this but there are those of use that have.

Anonymous said...

When I say that I know there are those of us that have I mean gone 100 miles on a bike. Sorry

Anonymous said...

we should burn any animal that people consider cute for fuel, like puppies, kitties, chipmunks, bunnies, and we can just burn em all the time, and hey we can have fun watching them burn AND power our electric can openers and shavers!!! The the cute animals take one for humanity!!!


And Aaron I only have homosexual eyes for you baby doll!!

Anonymous said...

AHHHHH I feel so special :)

Allez said...

You're friends are funny :-)

Anonymous said...

And welcome back once a week updated Bolg!! What's up Steve??

IronGambit said...

how do YOU spell blog?

IronGambit said...

and it's ONLY been 2 days brother CHILL! :)

Anonymous said...

how come you never call me brother? What you think he's better than me??

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.