- Allez
- Lancenotstrong
- Bikedrool
- ChrisL-Lifecycle
- Kincannondale
Thanks for stopping by and supporting the blog, it's the comments that truly keep me taking pictures and "attemping" to make videos ;)
Everyone else should stop by to check out their blogs to support them back!
"bloggin' ain't easy"
Thanks for adding me :-) BTW...what does Iron Gambit mean?
it's from "CHESS" I was the President in high school, Man what a nerd!
Thanks Fe!
President of the chess club!!!!! Oh man I got so much ammo now it aint funny.
Oh and Jeff I saw your comment on the last post. Shouldn't you be working??? Don't you have a job??? Come on man how the hell are you going to make it in the competitive world of whatever the hell it is you are doing when your on Steve's blog all day trying to retort (using that word proves you are just as nerdy as Steve (no offense Steve))
Who is Jeff? And I refuse to check out those links Iron, all the ones you have send me have been to gay midget porn and I ain't falling for that trap again!
Chess club!?! That IS nerdy!
My site doesn't have gay midget porn :-) I'm not so sure about Lance Notstrong's...
Hey Iron don't you have to be smart to play chess??? Were you the waterboy?? BURRRNNNNNNNNNNNEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!
sorry if i made you break out the webster's there a-ron, it's all white collared so i don't have to work after 5 anymore now a days(at least for now) =)
allez, didn't you notice that you've been on the list for a while, the bastard demoted me because of you, don't you know?
bah tha wae stiv, ah tink dee pictoor iz reel pirrrrrrrrrdy...
ok I didn't know that wearing spandex even when you are not riding is gay thanks for that A-Ron, and Ed don't act like you didn't know it was gay midget porn you KNEW! you KNEW!! ;)
Thanks for adding me, as well. A little more exposure can never hurt... I suppose? Not that I ever blog about anything remotelyl interesting or important. But I'm pretty good on blogging about getting dropped!
I can assure you will not find gay midget porn on Bike Drool. Could be a new feature though, if you think it will drive up traffic to the site??? lol
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