Well if I am seeing the video correctly it looks like Chuck Noris is riding the bike. Does anyone else see this? so there is no way that truck would have crucshed him, Chuck would have either plowed right through the truck and kept going or jumped it (I guess whatever his mood would be)
I love to take pictures and I love graphics... I felt that a blog would be the best way for me to share all of the above! And remember all of my pictures are clickable to enlarge!
***To begin, you must know and fear your enemy... to win, you must know and fear yourself...***
How do you know it's a specialized commercial?? Where was the ad
Hell yeah!!! Specialized kicks ass!!!
Lance... was that you??? I thought it was! ;)
A-Ron... I found the video on Specilized.com haha :)
Well if I am seeing the video correctly it looks like Chuck Noris is riding the bike. Does anyone else see this? so there is no way that truck would have crucshed him, Chuck would have either plowed right through the truck and kept going or jumped it (I guess whatever his mood would be)
That's right you don't fuck with Chuck
fuck w. chuck... "funny" haha :)
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