Monday, September 18, 2006

Last Night

This rain is beginning to annoy me already... I know that we live in a desert and the desert misses the rain but last night it kept me up. First there was lighting the whole night... in my room I have some very thick curtains too but it still continued to go through my closed eye lids basically waking me up everytime. Second the thunder was "extra" loud and lasted "extra" long! haha I don't know why but it seemed to continue forever!
Some days you are the dog, and some days you are the fire hydrant!


Anonymous said...

noooo shit homie!! me too, at 1:29 or so the first bomb dropped and i was up til about 3 or 4 with off and on sleep... arrrg

Anonymous said...

Hey Hommie!! Congrats on race and cool fun ect.. Good for you. You should see a Dr. about the eye problem= possibly too much metal in your body and that can kill. You all look great. Piojo is down with Opp!!! Ha ha Get some Rest.

Anonymous said...

Thunderstorms always remind me of that scene in Poltergeist :-)

Anonymous said...

dude... its getting really boring in here! DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!

Anonymous said...

Chill Piojo at least you can see the dogs a hole ha ha ha for your daily excitement fool!!! jj Are you down with dp??? Ha signed Puta Monkey Jk now don't get your undies in a know man.

Anonymous said...

Shit that bitch can't spell sorry
Hommies!! What's a know man? Gotta run this ain't my lap top mf!! Have you tried Benadryl to sleep that shit is good for anxiety. That was a scarey movie. Did'nt that little girl die in real life from her testines blowing up? From Mo Fo Bologna homie out

Anonymous said...

Have a nice day and don't let any morons get you down!!!! Where do they get them? Why do they send them to us???

Anonymous said...

Private about L please save L. L needs to stop bad habit. No one took L's stuff. L left it in pal's car. All of L's pals are sorry about past. We all made mistakes. L saved lives. We never know what day is our last. L please take care. Everyone have a great weekend. Please forgive all of these wacky people bad habits= bad behavior. L knows who. I wish we could talk or email sometime.