sometimes we think that we are on top of the world, and then before we know it we are sitting upside down, buckled up, with water pooring in from the doors!
I love to take pictures and I love graphics... I felt that a blog would be the best way for me to share all of the above! And remember all of my pictures are clickable to enlarge!
***To begin, you must know and fear your enemy... to win, you must know and fear yourself...***
fuckkkkkk thats a great video.. i even felt nervous as i watched it...
sometimes we think that we are on top of the world, and then before we know it we are sitting upside down, buckled up, with water pooring in from the doors!
I'm not going to hit play! I don't want to see a crash! Hey, where's the blow up turtle you promised??? :-)
You should hit play! don't just ignore it! blow up turtle? hmm... I don't think that I "promised" haha :0
Ok. I tried to watch it. Didn't work. User error?
hm... it should have worked??? :) let me see if I can e-mail you a link.
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