Monday, October 23, 2006

Inside The Garage...

Cool huh?
I destroyed my MTB wheel set... so right now I am saving up until I can buy the pair that I want :)


CD said...

A true cyclist puts his car on a rack to make room for the bikes…

Anonymous said...

Sam's $25 special huh??? I got one two man it's just too bad I have three bikes though.

Oh colt, not sure if it is exactly the coolest thing to have a picture of a little kid in his underwear as your avatar man. I mean unless your studying to become a priest I guess, are you ???

IronGambit said...

Colt: I saw that magazine add for canecreek... besides I already tried to put my car and it didn't fit.

A-Ron: It was 35 when I bought them hahah!

Allez said...

I only have one bike :-(

IronGambit said...

plus your hubbies bikes Allez? that counts also! :)

Anonymous said...

That is the saddest thing I have ever herd Allez :(

It makes me sad like when I see the poor African babies on TV who don't have anything to eat and then some pedofile white guy standing next to them asking me to send them money. Jesus I think I feel a tear coming on

Lance Notstrong said...

I like the Cinelli :-) What kind of wheels are those? The spokes look aero like the kind on the Ksyrium SLs.

IronGambit said...

Lance they are the Ksyriums SL's! but before they went back to black!

Allez said...

I KNOW its sad, a-ron. I think you should start a "Buy Allez A New Bike" fundraiser. I want to be as cool as IG.

Lance Notstrong said...

Ksyriums SL's.....I'm drooling.

Allez you have a nice bike!!! You just got it all pimped in pink :-)

IronGambit said...

Allez... the bike doesn't have to be NEW per se' you just need more than one... think about, hmm how about a MTB???? ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Allez you know Chris King makes a pink headset and hubs, I think you should look into it, Of course the king's stuff is high dollar, but I say you are worth it

Oh hell I just thought of it you should get a set of velocity deep V rims in pink and lace it to a set of the pink hubs (sweet) know the only question to that would be Silver or Black spokes (I say silver) - Probably a better wheelset than the Ksyriums SLs

Allez said...

Oh, I NEED it! Money is no issue. Lance will buy it for me :-)

Lance Notstrong said...

Damn right I will!!! What will it be? Cervelo, BMC, maybe a nice Specialized S-Works? Just break out the Carmen Electra workout dvd's and I'll buy what ever you want LOL!!!

IronGambit said...

Lance... if I break out the DVD will you buy me an s-works?

Lance Notstrong said...

Depends on how good you can "work it" IG LOL!!! :-)

I'm with you, I would do the Carmen Electra workout for an S-Works too!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see my standards are set higher than ya'lls, I would only do it for an Indy Fab, or maybe a DeSalvo - or a sweet new Moots

IronGambit said...

A-Ron you don't have standards!

Anonymous said...

No Steve it's morals, I don't have morals.

IronGambit said...

well I didn't know that you had either... ;0

in philosophy, the study and evaluation of human conduct in the light of moral principles. Moral principles may be viewed either as the standard of conduct that individuals have constructed for themselves or as the body of obligations and duties that a particular society requires of its members.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess that the morals that I have constructed for myself are not in line with the body of obligations that our society requires of me. For instance society would "reqiure" that I not make fun of the mentally challenged, physically disabled or homosexuals. But for some reason there is nothing funnier to me than a retarded homo with one leg.

Anonymous said...

Ass ron boy are you one mean MF!! Do you have like multiple personalities or some shit?? You monster puke ha ha From the Bitch slap crew

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sorry I made fun of you there anonymous with my last post. (you know the whole "retarded homo with one leg" thing) I just didn't think you were around anymore since you havn't posted in a while.

Oh well buddy keep fighting the good fight and remember "every day is a miracle"

Anonymous said...

no no no ... a retarded albino hermaphrotide with no legs(just a stump) and no money to buy a wheel chair so he drags himself around on a little red wagon that the salvation army donated to his overweight chicken fat smelling white trash mother who is usually passed out in the front porch of the 1 bedroom trailerhome wearing a pink and white moo moo with rollers in her hair which have been there since the conception of this wonder of modern day science boy that fateful and boones wine filled tuesday at the local bar back in 1979, the daddy was spared his fate and is now a truck driver in search of his next drink to forget the biggg.. .bigggg mistake(his punishment for kissing her cigarette and puke tasting lips) made that tuesday night from which his penis has yet to forgive him !!! YEAH @@

ohh and anonymous i fucked your mother! well back when she was hot...hell if she hadn't started drinking you might have been calling me daddy!

Anonymous said...

Ass Ron and Puko fuck you shit for brains I am not retarted asswipes. My neighbor has four children that are and they are very good boys. I just don't like hearing your bs buttfucking fucks!!! Eat my pussy, suck Reggie's dick and fuck a dog like that 26 yr old that got arrested assholes!! Oh and more later fuck weeds!!! From the bitch slap crew we are working fucks!!

Anonymous said...

OHhhHHhhh "I am not retarded" did your mother tell you to say that when the older boys picked on you and kicked your one good leg out from under you.

And what the hell does "that are they are very good boys." mean??? Seriously you need to go and get that GED or go back and get that High School diploma to get respect in this world. You've seen Billy Madison, it's cool to go back to school now a days. I don't know how many people you have together writting your posts but fuck man get out at least one good sentence.

Oh and I fuck your mom too, well at the same time I guess would be a better way to say it, she is such a slut.

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahahaha i used to kick reggies ass back in 1st grade...