Ok, I usually don't mind the rain... but THIS is getting out of hand. One second it seems like it is going to be a bright and sun shinning day, and then the next it's pooring cats and dogs! Plus the valley floods! The trails that I run at our really muddy... and even if they were not they would be MESQUITO infested! If the saying goes "everything is bigger in Texas" that saying goes for the mesquitoes also! You can literally hear them coming and watch them land on you! I hear a lot of people talking about how they are running inside just to get away from them :)
The picture above: This is just driving from my families house & back to mine! It looks like I took a long trip! :)

damn right im sexy!
Scared of the rain huh? Do I sense a pussy?? :-)
Okay Mr.Matt Reggie got in from Las Vegas so, now he wants to pick on you. He said go wash your pussy and repent. (whatever the f that means ha) Shit Reggie is a mean MMF!! Now don't be a floor matt and top that!!!
F you both from Kim!! Now go pick on some one else if someone wants to cry plus bitch so be it!! F u Matt!! Ha Stephen has something to say so let him speak!!! You F!!
Oh and Running Hoochie F you too ha ha we are all just fing with you now pitch a bitch with us!!! Stephen is no pussy right? Running Pus!! ha ha
Come to N Texas! We've had like 3 days of rain in the last 6 months :-)
yeah, I'll let the rain know! :)
Man, Rabbit went hardcore and just called you a pussy IG. Are you going to take that?
Yeah, it hasn't rained at all in N. texas. Allez and I haven't been able to play in the rain :-(
yeah I know I saw that... I already e-mailed her and scoulled her! Besides I have some peeps that I don't even know bashing me, and some other peeps standing up for me! crazy crazy!
Who the F are you calling crazy Mo Fo??? Now have a good weekend and quit getting shit on you F!!! HA HA from Angie and our gang
Hey how do you know you don't know all of us??? Maybe you know a few of us so the f what!!! Your still an a-hole not ha Have a nice weekend everyone!! We have to go back to our slavery job ugh!!
I know that I don't know you, because I don't know who you are!
Oh well!! Have a great week!! Everyone please take care and Hi to Sexy Piojo!!! Oh la la!!! We are all eyes for you except the r dude pals ha!! Piojo put you on there more!!!Take care Mr.Zepeda you look good too!!! From us NUTS as you put it!!!
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