Wednesday, October 18, 2006

A Musical RollerCoaster...

Isn’t it amazing how we all treat music differently? We can all find songs that make us feel as if it belongs to us because we feel as if it was written and sung directly to us. I think it is interesting how music has the ability to change the mood/attitude of anyone listening to it. . Music is entertainment and all though music is different all over the world is it still music… music brings people together even though they don’t know each other. Some people listen to music because they find it relaxing and stress relieving, others listen for other reasons. When it comes to the Blue Man Group, I find that their music is enchanting. Throughout the entire show they didn’t utter a single word, crack a smile, or even pull a sad face. The way that they expressed themselves was through their music, whether it was the words, melody, or presentation. The entire show vibrated with their energy and love for the music in every aspect. It was such an experience to witness their passion for creating music as an expression of one’s self.


Anonymous said...

very cool man!! very cool!

Allez said...

I wonder why they decided to be blue and not green?

Have you ever seen Stomp? That's really cool... mostly all percussion.

IronGambit said...

Blue is a happier color! :)

Anonymous said...

Dude, do you know how I know you are gay? ......
J,K, Paul Simon 'Rhythm of the Saints' that's cool too.
I thought blue meant sad. maybe they are working through their sadness.

Anonymous said...

You Fing redneck from Crazy REggie!!!!