Below pics of the hotel room

Below a shot of another booth at the expo
Below: Random lizard...
OK here's another update, just left Arizona and it is 2:44 in the morning here in California. Looks like I will meet my deadline of making San Fransisco! :)I'll take some pics and update later to let you know how the Bay to Breakers 12k run goes :)

I changed my template and it's just so that I can access it. My laptop would crash when I attempted to use internet explorer like it probably did on other peeps computer also. I'll redo the whole thing when I some more time and of course add all the links back!
dude.. hot chick pics only okay! we don't come to ur blog to read dammit.. HOT CHICKS!
Your such an a-hole! :(
Nice blog! Just came across it from another blogger!
Damn, you're all over the place!
Iron Gambit on Tour?
Yeah... that's how it is!!! :)
Doing the Marathon tour and a lot of Danskin womens' only Triathlon.
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