Thursday, February 28, 2008

Amgen Tour of California MORE pics

Which way?
I took a ton of pictures... some I am just going to drop, other might have an explanation.  If you are truly curious then just shoot me an e-mail!

Final Stage!

Despite all of the rain... the crowd REFUSED to leave!  It seriously felt like the closer that the cyclists got the harder it began to rain!

VIP is the only way to watch the tour!

Here is a local favorite!

Below is my friend Troy... Troy, works for Cannondale.
Yes Troy puts the "Cannon" in Cannondale... he basically was shooting people with T-shirts
(they asked to be shot)

This is Neil from Road Magazine.
He is the editorial director.

Below is Opal from all of those cool shirts that you see from your world cycling magazines.  Yes, you'll see me sporting a couple here and there ;)

Above is Zap from Road Bike Magazine... he's usually on page four of every issue.

Above:  These two lovely young ladies have a very funny story that is rated above what I prefer to post on my blog.  If you really need to know, send me an e-mail!
Below:  This one is one of my favorites.

Mr. Kozo Shimano... lets just say that we know what type of shoes that he's sporting, and what type of groupo that I'll be running this year.

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7 Random Facts

I've been tagged by the infamous Allez.
I don't really want to do everything that is involved... but I will participate :)

  1. I have to wear band aids while running distance or doing an endurance MTB race.
  2. I probably own more shoes than women do.
  3. at the same time... I probably own more sunglasses than women do.
  4. I definitely own more spandex than most women do.
  5. I enjoy wearing boxer briefs.
  6. When I first started traveling I used to get lonely... I don't anymore.
  7. I actually own the domain, but have never talked about it.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Rock Racing ***Tribute***

I am officially obsessed, the scenery the view, the speed, the crowds, and the excitement of The Tour of California has officially left me obsessed with the Rock Racing Team.
It's true... Michael Ball Founder of Rock Republic has entered the wonderful and international world of cycling. He's had the passion himself for awhile and has brought his ridiculous amount of money into this breathtaking sport.
He claims there he's "Here to stay" he shows up with the largest tour bus that legally can be driven in the united states of America, with two escalades with bikes rack on top, and a Rolls Royce all with decals top to bottom.
His parade demands your attention....
and if that doesn't work, then his line of the misfits of cyclists that he's brought out of retirement just might do the trick!
Below are pictures from the Tour of California... and this is my tribute to "Rock Racing"

Yes. I had an illegal amount of fun...

Friday, February 22, 2008

Amgen Tour of California

Been home for a couple of days... nothing much other than running errands, and doing laundry that was waaay over due!
I am packed now and ready to jump on the plane again. My destination you ask? The Amgen Tour of California! I only have to work on Sunday for a couple of hours, so I am flying in today and will probably hang around until Tuesday or such! Will play it by ear though and see what happens.
My friend Troy that works for Cannondale said it's been raining relentlessly the whole tour and that he's just ready to leave. I hope the rain is gone when I get there, because I'm pretty sick of the rain and cold weather right now also.
HOPEFULLY I'll get some awesome pics to post later!
Rock & Republic is a big sponsor this year... guess who they have riding for them?
Check out their cool video on their website!

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

MTB or Marathon Weekend?

SO while up in Austin Omar and I pretty much hit all the trails out there!
I have to admit that it was a lot o fun!

We basically woke up early in the morning and spend that time at Park City...
we took a lunch break which Omar traded the left overs for a nice family photo!

After lunch... we headed out to green belt that took us forever to find !   After we found it though it was worth the invested time!
This morning I woke up and went out with my new crew to Walnut Creek.  I think overall this was the best trail and if I ever find time to MTB in Austin again, I'll probably go there first!

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Monday, February 18, 2008

:::Ninja Style:::

So I broke into my sis's and bros' house "ninja style"

They never saw it coming...

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Road Trip to Austin!

am in Austin for the ATT Marathon.

I rented a car and drove from my house, to Austin... I came up with a good friend Omar. It was really nice of Cannondale to hook us up with 4 "Rush" mountain bikes. We are going to hit the trails pretty good tomorrow!
On the way up we stopped and picked up some of the important things of a road trip...

As we drove along the road we saw this crazy replica of Ghost Busters!

And only in America will you see a sign like this at a gas pump :)

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tour of Palm Springs Recap.

I flew into Ontario Cali on Thursday, from there I drove about an hour over to Palm Springs.
below is the view.
I find Palm Springs a place that used to be filled with famous individuals and a huge love for life.  It truly is a funny thing to be staring straight at a palm tree with snow capped mountains right behind them.

Obviously not my beer, but obviously funny.

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