Thursday, February 28, 2008

7 Random Facts

I've been tagged by the infamous Allez.
I don't really want to do everything that is involved... but I will participate :)

  1. I have to wear band aids while running distance or doing an endurance MTB race.
  2. I probably own more shoes than women do.
  3. at the same time... I probably own more sunglasses than women do.
  4. I definitely own more spandex than most women do.
  5. I enjoy wearing boxer briefs.
  6. When I first started traveling I used to get lonely... I don't anymore.
  7. I actually own the domain, but have never talked about it.

Blogged with Flock


Allez said...

What does #7 mean?

Its probably ok if you have more shoes that a woman. Assuming they're not heels?

Lance Notstrong said...

It means he wants to make an all porn all the time website :-)

Are all your shoes crocs?

IronGambit said...

it means if you type it takes you to! hahah
and Yes, all of those shoes are crocs.

teacherwoman said...

Too funny!