Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tour of Palm Springs Recap.

I flew into Ontario Cali on Thursday, from there I drove about an hour over to Palm Springs.
below is the view.
I find Palm Springs a place that used to be filled with famous individuals and a huge love for life.  It truly is a funny thing to be staring straight at a palm tree with snow capped mountains right behind them.

Obviously not my beer, but obviously funny.

Blogged with Flock


teacherwoman said...

Hahaha. Love the beer with the bike. Actually I am not a fan of that kind of beer, but it's still funny!

jahowie said...

Our cops are so bored that a beer on a bike would get you thrown in jail!! :-) Nice pics.

IronGambit said...

haha the funny part was that the girl that had that bike was joking around about that. As she's riding the bike back to the hotel there is a cop at the intersection!