Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Bikes Belong Coalition
But MR. Shimano called me up because he just happened to be in Boulder, CO the same time as myself.
We met up for coffee off of Pearl St. The reason behind that was to meet a good friend of his Tim Blumenthal. Tim is the Executive Director for Bike Belong Coalition. They have a beautiful mission and their goals will match anyone who is already a cyclist!
MR. Shimano also hooked me up with a Shimano calendar, he told me that he only brings about 150 to the states for friends and family, so to say that I feel privileged would be an understatement!
Bike Coalition also hooked me up with some swag!
I am at my hotel right now with the maids banging at my door! So I will probably hang around town for a bit, and then take off to San Diego, Cali. I hope the weather is perfect to run a full Marathon this weekend!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
So, I am...
Here are some more pics of my buddy and I geocaching.

That's about all it is, but for some reason the "sport" still pulls me in it's general direction!

I will probably fly out to San Diego tomorrow and from what I heard from a friend today is that the weather is not all the sunny and hot. Which honestly, will be great because it's been since December since I ran a full marathon. In a weird way I am kinda worried about this one, but as usual as soon as the race/run begins I'll feel extremely comfortable again ;)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Geo In Boulder

It's been another hard long weekend, and it's not over yet. Monday is the Bolder Boulder race brings around 53,000 people this year! That is amazing and I am looking forward to seeing that happen!
It's times like these when I look back at the sacrifices that I have made living a life on the road. Being a nomad of the United States traveling, seeing, exploring, doing and taking pictures to capture my adventures that seem to never end.
I sold my car a couple of days ago since I don't need one anymore. A couple of years ago I would have NEVER imagined doing something like that, but living out of a suitcase has taught me a lot of things that I need and what I don't.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Deleted Bloggers
- Allez
- LanceNotStrong &
- 490 BC
Kincannondale made a post that some of his favorite bloggers are not there anymore, I told him it's time to let it go man!
Move it along kids, there's nothing to see here... move it along...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Ohio Rite Aid Marathon
Here are a few pics...

and last but not least... we stopped at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This is something that FINALLY made me feel young, because about the only thing that I could relate to or with, was Michael Jacksons glove!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Disney Pics

While in Orlando, Marco and I ended up doing some hardcore "magical" put put !

Needless to say, We both had more fun at the magical kingdom that we initially had intended! :)
Monday, May 19, 2008
I ended up messing up my foot a little, while playing around in Orlando last weekend. My foot feels fine already, but I didn't want to chance injury it cause I need to preserve it for San Diego. I would say that it is about 3:10 in the morning here so I am going to hit the sac after I finish up a few more things.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
What MORE do you want?
So, I've been up a little past 4.5am in the morning…
I had to drop my better half at the airport. I got online and basically have just been web surfing and almost doing nothing productive, especially since my companies e-mail site is down (again.) But at least I turned in my payroll roll last night :)
And as i sit here in my Caribbean Hotel Resort, I am skimming through my scheduled events for the year. I wonder to myself where did the time go already? How could I have done this many events this fast? Not to mention that it feels like the year just barely begun! This weekend is when I "officially" started my tour last year, and the life of living on the road.
Yes, I did a lot of other special events (NASCAR) but that wasn't mine. The Endurance Tour is mine, and out of the three other guys that I worked with last year, I seem to be the only one left. Only one of the guys last year was a true runner, it seems this year that I received the running bug. As I like to push my body and push my limits, either to wow myself or to wow others, I do tend to miss the bike a lot. (Back in the day) there was obviously more passion and focus when it came to cycling, than It has when it comes to running. With running I sometimes feel like I do it just as filler when there is nothing else to do. I do need to do some long runs the next two weeks though, because of the San Diego Marathon that I am going to do, it is coming up VERY soon! But, when it came to cycling, that was something that I would dream of and wanted to do! I don't know if it was the speeds, the silent hum of the hub, or the distances covered in such a short amount of time? But this year, one of my goals is to attempt to combine my recent discovery of distance running, and my love, my passion, my movement for cycling, as my focus is to buy a time trial bike. I have no bike that I am drueling over right now, but I am sure that it will match my character when I purchase it in 2009.
Life is good, goals are good.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Indianapolis Roads
In Texas the majority of them are set at 70, but I think it would be hard to live in Indy and not want to drive fast... I mean isn't the city known for speed?