As most of you all know, I was in Vegas for the famous show (Interbike)
To be very unusual, I did not take a lot of photos!!! BUT
The one's that I did counted!
Here they are... and in no particular order!

Above: Team Chipotle Slipsteam
Below: Shonny Vanlandingham

Best known for the movie "Off Road to Athens." The photographer had a very unsteady hand obviously! So below are some better pics to recognize her by.

Below: Who can leave out (Fast) Freddy Rodriguez from Rock Racing!

Below: Tinker Juarez 24 hour guru!

Below: Mr. George Hincapie! He can be my wingman anyday ;)

Below: The very very lovely Liz Hatch, she loves the sport of cycling, and understands that she can be a women at the same time.

And... hm, am I leaving someone out????
I guess you NEVER know who's going to show up to Interbike these days!