I have completed the top four, this gets me one more step closer to the big gold nugget!
It was EXTREMELY hot today during the half marathon!
When I was at mile 6, I saw this girl stop running, which is pretty normal for long distance races. She then stepped on to the curb, and hobbled around a little bit. While I came up on her she fell into me! She looked at me and said that she needed water. Several spectators ran over to help as I continued to run.
I saw at least 2 more people passed out on the side of the road.
I began to think, I see this a lot in the first place since we travel around following marathons across the country, but in all of my years in cycling I have never seen anyone push themselves that hard to where their bodies cannot continue.
I think that it would be crazy to see a paceline of cyclist, and one dude just drops from dehydration like the way that they do running marathons or half marathons.
Are cyclists just smarter at hydrating?
I have to admit that when I first started running, I thought to myself, where do I put the water bottles?
How hard do you have to push your body until your body decides to give up on you physically, even though you are not ready to quit mentally?
I've seen people almost pass out after getting off the bike, and also throw up. It happens. But I think cyclists are safer about these things, because if they pass out they will cause themselves serious harm when they meet the pavement!
I don't know if cyclists are better at hydrating, but I think that it might be more easily acccessible to cyclist in comparison to runners.
Wow, way to catch that woman!!
I don't think people are smarter on the bike - I just think that the activity isn't as strenuous and it doesn't overwhelm them as quickly as it can while running. Just my 2 cents. And I second what teacherwoman says too.
Yeah, running is more strenuous. I felt like collapsing after a marathon, not from dehydration though. I've never felt like that from cycling.
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