Sunday, July 19, 2009

Freire pushed air-rifle pellet out of his leg - Cycling - Yahoo! Sports

Seriously?  I've been to the Tour De France, I am first to admit that the people on the sidelines have NO respect to the riders!
They barely clear the course, literally MINUTES before the riders come through and are always yelling, screaming, booing, and spitting!  POOR SPORTSMANSHIP!

Freire pushed air-rifle pellet out of his leg
Freire pushed air-rifle pellet out of his leg - Cycling - Yahoo! Sports

1 comment:

teacherwoman said...

OMG. That is freakin' rediculous. I know that every time I watch the Tour, I am amazed at how close those spectators get to the cyclists ... yelling at them, in the way, some hitting them. Geez. DRIVES ME NUTS!