Friday, July 03, 2009

On Your Left Recap

I know this is really bad and I probably should not blog about how I "honestly" felt, but I might as well have titled this blog post karma!

So here is how the story goes, I am on the bike path cruising around with my g.f.  we are riding around just fine, and people are passing us no problem,  "GOOD" no one is saying "on your left" which you guys know by now is a big pet peeve of mine.

So we are going up this small hill casually as a hear the screeching words on a chalk board "ON YOUR LEFT"  of course he's riding a mountain bike with skinny tires on it and he is probably feeling jolly about himself,
the thing is for me is that they NEVER tell my g.f. on your left.  I feel like they go out of their way to say it to me!

Anyway, I have strayed off the path again, as I watch him go up this rolling hill, in my head I am thinking how much I hate it, and I am just going to ignore it and not let it bother me, haha when
the guys left crank literally fell off while he was riding! I know this is mean, but it looked pretty damn funny!  Since he was clipped in, the pedal kept smacking the ground and bouncing back up and he tried to keep from crashing and clipping out of his right foot at the same time!

This is probably one of the zaniest things that I have seen while out cycling!  Anyway, I was the nice guy and stopped to offer my tools to help him put his bike back together! hahah

So all I can say is when is cycling, the wheel does make a full circle!


Eduardo Arguelles said...

"So we are going up this small hill casually as a hear the screeching words on a chalk board "ON YOUR LEFT" GREAT WRITING!!!


IronGambit said...

haha, I saw a biker / runner crash today! There was blood everywhere!