Monday, September 05, 2005

It May Not Be...

easy to find me these "2" next days... Tomorrow my day starts at 5 in the morning with NO riding involved! I have an important event to attend to and will be having local officials at my nursing home including General Sanchez, The Governor of Texas, The Major and other elected officials... The day after that I have to attend an Health Fair in Weslaco which my day again will start at 5 in the morning with no riding involved!
Below is a sign that has been bothering me for some time now!!!
I thought that this picture was just a nice black and white...

On Sunday my father turned 50! This picture reminds me of that old logic question:
2 fathers and 2 sons go fishing and they catch a total of 3 fish, yet all of them have a fish, how?


Anonymous said...

Yeah that bothers me too $7.98 is kind of a lot for a 12 pack of cokes

IronGambit said...

hahaha! that's funny! that sign has been up like that FOREVER! and the funny part is that the white van driving away actually stopped to take a picture of the same sign! :)