Saturday, October 15, 2005

In The Tour De France...

We as spectators for some cynical reason enjoy or no wait are excited to watch someone crash. Most people only watch Nascar to see someone hit the wall, or boxing to watch someone get his lights knocked out, and I am no exception...

Well today I have never felt more guilty since I have been riding a bike. I was the actual cause for someone sliding across the pavement. I know that he'll live and that I'll live but at that moment "sorry" wasn't even close to making me feel any remorse...


IronGambit said...

NO! I didn't do it on purpose! and I don't know his name! :(

Anonymous said...

Hey man what happened? who did you cause to carsh? and how fast were you all going?

Anonymous said...

I heard about the crash, that shit ain't your fault, he must have crossed wheels! A enxpensive lesson in skin for the dude who did it. Chin up!!


IronGambit said...

we were going about 22 mph although he said that he was speeding up to go around me! and not just an exspensive lesson is skin but his brand new Atmos helmet is broken!

Anonymous said...

Wow broke his helmet what the hell. Man that was an expensive lesson. That why A-Ron says no helmets. Just Kidding, however it does help prove my belief that solo riding is safer than pack riding and therefor the need for a helmet increases proportionately to the number of people you ride with. Damn i am such a gienus - no comments Ed.

IronGambit said...

yup... better his helmet than his head!!! A-Ron I told you that you should wear your helmet!

Anonymous said...

Aron = pendejo

IronGambit said...
