Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Trainer Huh?

I am anti-trainers! I feel that living in South Texas with basically perfect weather all year round should be the best excuse to be out and about riding! Everytime I read Nick Martin's Blog it gives me more of reason on why I should be riding outside. Unfortunetly I ride around 5.5 in the morning and the fog has been kinda bad this past week or so. I trust myself riding in the fog no problems... I just don't trust the people driving at 5.5 in the morning. So I did the unthinkable. This post is dedicated to Jeff ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Homie . its cool ese!! You gotta do what you gotta do....

IronGambit said...

haha... Funny I saw you guys last night! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah saw u too . . . I flipped you off.. teehee

IronGambit said...

Who had a white blinking light facing the back??

Anonymous said...

I hope that picture is from the beginning of your workout because you aren't near sweaty enough for it to be from the middle or near the end. :oP

Anonymous said...

i did . . its hard to fit a back light on my aero seat post. .

IronGambit said...

Jeff: I had a towel with me :)
Piojo: Yeah I was wondering about that... but it actually seemed to catch my attention more with the red and the white, you guys looked like cops! :)

Anonymous said...

awwww man .. don't compare us to pigs dude!! You know my fav NWA song right?? FUCK THE POLICE!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh.... a towel, huh? Cool, you never know you could get used to indoor training- no stop lights, t.v., mp3, no pre-ride preperation, increased safety, can train any time of the day/night. I guess it wouldn't be great for your mountain bike handling skills, but considering we have no mountains down here anyway, you can practice your climbing skills better on a trainer too. Randy talked about being scared to ride in a paceline since his crash. I was two bikes behind him when he went down, the guy in front of me ran over his head with his front tire. It spooked Randy pretty good I guess, and unfortunately I've been pretty spooked since then also. you know what they say, "The bigger they are,.................." I would love to ride in a small group again, but my schedule and knee injury have pretty much kept me on the sidelines. Anyway, sorry for the novel......peace, and good luck in your race.

P.S. Just make sure you beat A-Pron this year.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I also heard James is riding pretty darn strong right now, so I'm sure yall will have a very strong team. How many laps are you going for this year anyway?

IronGambit said...

we are planning for 12 laps this year since we did 11 last year! :)

Anonymous said...

well we're doing the valley torture test tomorrow you coming after all or are you gonna pussy out? If so you need to come by and pick up my spare wheels... Let me know!!