Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nike Triax C8 HR Monitor

I guess it was time for me to finally give in and get a new watch. I ended up with this purchase and so far satisfied with with only one "test run" so far. It has a large display indiglo if you run/ride in the dark like me, it shows the HR at the top and the time at the bottom "good for intervals" and then it has the average HR being able to save a total of 50 laps, which I think already is too many since I most likely will reset it after each use since I have bikejournal and coolrunning depending on my exercise for the day. Oh yeah... and the price is pretty reasonable in my opinion. I have to thank Allez for pushing me to get the new HRM.

Lately I have been slacking off, because of everything that I am trying to balance with the full time job, and school full time. So I "think" that I will try to focus on running more right now since it is a "faster" workout. But we will see how that plays out! :)


Anonymous said...

dude, studying to be a makeup artist isn't something I'd call stressfull!! ;P

That HRM looks pretty cool man, hope it helps bring your wildest dreams come true! VOTE FOR PEDRO!


IronGambit said...

how did you know my major? did I blog about that? ;) and it's Vote for Letty!

Anonymous said...

Sweet HRM dude!!! Hey you know you really can't say taht your Full Time School is keeping you back when this is the last week for school.

IronGambit said...

haha last week for a Traditional Student!! I am an online student :)

Anonymous said...

yeah but he's not on our schedule aron, beauty school has a different schedule right steve-o? teehee

Anonymous said...

I thought class was over for all students here at Pan-Am this week. Actually I am pretty sure of it.

IronGambit said...

no PamAm students are taking finals this week :) Do you still have to work ?

Anonymous said...

Yes as in class will be over this week as in the last day of class is Thursday as in you shouldn't be going to class anymore after Thursday!!! Damn IT

Yes I still have to work I am a year round, only getting the regular holiday off kind of employee. My next day off is Labor Day or Memorial Day I can't rememeber which one is which.

IronGambit said...

yeah it WILL be over but you put that it "IS" over hahah

Allez said...

So, how many hr monitors do you have now??? :-)

IronGambit said...

um... 4? :)

Allez said...

Can I have some make-up tips?

IronGambit said...

the trick to make up is to make it look like you aren't wearing any! :)

Anonymous said...

Allez to make up just agree to all that he says, the man is always right! :P

I also have some fantastic tips on Making Out...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can get my PhD in two weeks?? what the hell was I doning in school??

Anonymous said...

Dude I just got 4 PHD's in make up application so I can technically teach gambit the rest of his course work!! SWEEEET!! All my wildest dreams are coming true and I think it's because I voted for PEDRO!! LUCkYY!!


Anonymous said...


Plpease let your readers know how you like the Triax HR. I am thinking about getting one soon and would love to hear what you think. I will be using it more for mountain biking than roadbiking/triathalons, plus some running. Not too much lap-swimming, but will be taking it in the ocean when surfing. Have you tried it out under a wet-suit? Work ok?

I posted about the Triax here: http://www.thisnext.com/blog/2006/05/train_better_nike_triax_heart/



IronGambit said...

Gordon if you could, would you please remind me in about a week??? You can post in a recent "blog" or this one it doesnt matter to me... I am out of town for business and was hoping that I could use it but that ended up not being the case :(

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.