Here are some pics of things that we do when we are tired and have free time!
Here are two rots guarding a car lot... Robby thinks that he's the dog whisperer!

He also thinks it's cool to ride around the expo on a Micro Scooter!

Sometimes while loading up the "unions" are always busy fighting and arguing... so we are left with no choice but to keep ourselves entertained.

That's the PowerBar reps shrink wrapping "other" sponsors! haha

Above: Its the pearl izumi guy, I wasn't going to post this pic... but he made fun of me for having a blog!
As always we hung out with some friends... new city, same peeps.

Then I hung out with some new peeps.

Below: This one is for the hardcore hockey fans!

Below: This one is for the hardcore cycling fans!

Chris Carmichael "Lance Armstrong's Coach" in case you did not get this one ;)
I got you guys a big gift.

It's a big balloon from the big apple.

Our duties are done here, and off to the next town...
Richmond, Virginia to be exact.
Blogged with Flock
Looks like a great time!! Hey!! Where is that chic putting that hand?!?! LOL Nice!!! (two thumbs up)
Are you sure this is a job? Looks like one big party to me!
What! I am working hard for the money!
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