Friday, February 22, 2008

Amgen Tour of California

Been home for a couple of days... nothing much other than running errands, and doing laundry that was waaay over due!
I am packed now and ready to jump on the plane again. My destination you ask? The Amgen Tour of California! I only have to work on Sunday for a couple of hours, so I am flying in today and will probably hang around until Tuesday or such! Will play it by ear though and see what happens.
My friend Troy that works for Cannondale said it's been raining relentlessly the whole tour and that he's just ready to leave. I hope the rain is gone when I get there, because I'm pretty sick of the rain and cold weather right now also.
HOPEFULLY I'll get some awesome pics to post later!
Rock & Republic is a big sponsor this year... guess who they have riding for them?
Check out their cool video on their website!

Blogged with Flock


jahowie said...

Too cool!! I wish I could join you for this one. Have a great time!!

IronGambit said...

dude I am sooo pumped! :)

Unknown said...

DUDE, ur right!!!

They have ADAM SWITTERS on their team!!!!!

World Wide Nate said...

i'm on blogspot, how do i add you to my daily bloggers?

jahowie said...

That is an awesome video!! Those colors are very cool.

IronGambit said...

yeah I am obsessed!