Thursday, February 07, 2008

More Rock And Roll

Seems like I have a lot of unfinished rock and roll pics first.

So when I ran the Honolulu Marathon one of my toes changed colors...

but later on I smashed my finger during the SuperBowl just so that I could have a matching set.

I know Lame...
Here are other random pics from Phoenix Rock & Roll.

Sometimes alcohol does not equal good.

This is Rec... & a table.

this is Rec and Devin on a table.

Any questions?

Blogged with Flock


Desiree said...

Hey you! I need to get a hold of Nick from AT&T. I lost my phone and I have no way of getting my numbers off it. Could you email me his email address? dmccullochj at gmail

Thanks hun you're a peach!!

p.s. I could have lived the rest of my life with out seeing a close up of your gnarly toe:P

IronGambit said...

yeah it looks pretty weird huh?

teacherwoman said...

Great pics! :)