Saturday, May 24, 2008

Deleted Bloggers

I was hoping that the following would eventually come back to the blogging world, but this would not be the case:
  • Allez
  • LanceNotStrong &
  • 490 BC
have all been removed from my blog, Any other applicants out there? (seriously)

Kincannondale made a post that some of his favorite bloggers are not there anymore, I told him it's time to let it go man!
Move it along kids, there's nothing to see here... move it along...


331 Miles said...

I sent you an e-mail as the response was too long. Oh yeah -- saw your buddy 'piojo' on the Food Bank ride today. He doesn't know me from Adam, but I recognized him from his blog. If he'd turn on the comments, I'd tell him! ;^)

Kin said...

Like Friends, Cheers, and Seinfeld. Things come and go. Moving right along ....