Friday, September 19, 2008

The Weekend

Is about to begin, I am in Philly again.  I try my hardest to like this city because of the history and what it represents.  But in reality this is a very bitter and spiteful city.  Not only do I not like it, but a lot of the people that live here don't like each other.  Everyone is just angry for no reason!
I have a couple of photos to post, let me know what you think:
Vancouver, British Columbia - Canada
giant moth Freedom.jpg


JT said...

I thought that was generally the vibe on the entire NE coast?

Eduardo Arguelles said...

that sucks! get out of there asap!

Steve Stenzel said...

Good luck in the angry city!!

331 Miles said...

I like the moth...

IronGambit said...

Kat: NOT AS BAD AS Philly, trust me!!

Ed: I am leaving right after I finish the half marathon!

Steve: Thanks!

331: Thanks for the photo comment! :)

World Wide Nate said...

yea philly does suck